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Features / Usability


posts: 32 United States

Hi tiki group,
I installed wordpress today on the same site as tiki, just as a test, and was blown away by the new spell checker. WOW! Since both tiki and wordpress are PHP programs, some level of integration may be possible? This drove me immediately to the source forge site where there is a new version of aspell - which, of course, I downloaded, but have not yet attempted to install. Currently, aspell 0.60.2 is installed on my tiki sites - spell checking performance though, is disappointing. If the new version of aspell is the source of workpress' spell check, then we may have a leap ahead in functionality.

Has anyone upgraded to, or installed the new aspell 0.60.5? if so, does the old documentation still apply? (aspell has at least 50 pages of html docs that will take quite a while to digest)

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has done the upgrade. Also anyone who has attempted to integrate wordpress into tiki might consider starting a new thread here.

best regards, bigjet

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