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Architecture / Installation

tiki-install.php is doing nothing??

posts: 3

Hi all,

yes: I have set up my php.ini file
yes: I have restart my apache first

If I call the tiki-install.php I got a formular where I enter all
the needed information.
After submitting it, I got an empty page 😑

I try to use a postgres db.
Postgres is working fine, I could connect manually with "psql wiki" to the database. And I also could enter tables and all the other sql statements without problems".

Is there any logfile, which could give me an idea what is going wrong with the

As I can see in the postgres logfile (with -d5 option) is, that no connect comes from the script at all.

Any ideas??


posts: 3

> Hi all,
> yes: I have set up my php.ini file
> yes: I have restart my apache first
> If I call the tiki-install.php I got a formular where I enter all
> the needed information.
> After submitting it, I got an empty page 😑
> I try to use a postgres db.
> Postgres is working fine, I could connect manually with "psql wiki" to the database. And I also could enter tables and all the other sql statements without problems".
> Is there any logfile, which could give me an idea what is going wrong with the
> tiki-install.php????
> As I can see in the postgres logfile (with -d5 option) is, that no connect comes from the script at all.
> Any ideas??
> Thanks
> Klaus

posts: 113 Ireland

Are you running mod_security on your web server? If so, temporarily, create a .htaccess and put the following line in it:

Copy to clipboard
SecFilterEngine Off

Once you complete the install, remove this .htaccess


posts: 3

> Are you running mod_security on your web server? If so, temporarily, create a .htaccess and put the following line in it:

Copy to clipboard
> SecFilterEngine Off >

> Once you complete the install, remove this .htaccess

Sorry, this changes nothing.
Now and before there was no error message in the error_log file, so I think that my problem
is not security related.

