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Architecture / Installation

How to "freeze" tikis? i.e. keeping them online for archive/nostalgia

posts: 40 Austria


we are using several tiki setups.
the ones we use are up to date

now we would like to "freeze" to older tiki setups
- one is 1.9.7
- one is still 1.8.5!

i.e. archive their status quo
i.e keep their contents available online

but de-activate the wiki (and everything)
that there is NO security breaches
without having to constantly update them...

we were wondering what would be the best way to achieve that
and came up with no better idea then blocking EVERYTHING via a .htacccess file

is there a better way to "secure" older tikis?
maybe there´s something i could change in the config.php??

i could also update them for the LAST TIME
but i would not want to keep updating several tikis for the rest of my life (or my server´s life..)

tx for any hints!


posts: 40 Austria

but that would not prevent any security holes /breaches through other access-"holes" on the server through tiki, would it?
- those tiny holes that get discovered in the course of time and fixed via the updates..?

i am not an admin
but i thought "older" software versions are the main security threat, aren´t they?