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Features / Usability

Structures Problem?

posts: 46 Portugal

Dear all,
I've been trying to create a Structure using Tikiwiki v2.2 -Arcturus-
Every time I try to create a structure I get this error. Any idea? Am I doing something wrong or is this a known problem? If so, is there any patch?

Thank you very much for your time


An error occured in a database query!

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Context: File tiki-admin_structures.php Url tiki-admin_structures.php Query: insert into `tiki_structures`(`parent_id`,`page_id`,`page_alias`,`pos`) values(?,?,?,?) Values: 0 0 1 6 2 Test 3 1 Message: Field 'structure_id' doesn't have a default value Built query was probably: insert into `tiki_structures`(`parent_id`,`page_id`,`page_alias`,`pos`) values('0','6','Test','1')
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