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Features / Usability

Best way to do polls? Poll feature or PluginTracker?

posts: 22

I've never gotten the Polls function working well no matter how much I've monkeyed around with it.

Then I stumbled upon thePluginTracker thing. Someone noted here that "This plugin is a specific use of the trackers feature, specialized for voting and survey, which can be inserted into any wiki page, article, or blog. It operates in a manner similar to the Polls and Surveys feature, but with more robust features."

If anyone can give me an example or point me to a (tikiwiki) page that has a good poll thing happening, I would be very thankful.

Regards, -sd

posts: 89 Argentina

Hi sd !

I invite you to visit my user page and see if Google-Doc-forms is suitable for your requirements. The example was included on my page using plugin iframe and Google key.

Interested to receive your comments, regards,

posts: 22

Very very nice! I need to learn a bit more about google docs. For a number of reasons, I absolutely do not want to store anything on their servers, so I have some learning to do on using their technology. Nice work, and thank you for the suggestion! -sd

posts: 89 Argentina

Your requisite about not storing data on their servers is very logic and sensible.
I agree with you: we have some learning to do.
I’ll be ready to cooperate.