Perspectives, multidomain and multi site issues
Hi, very new to this, can someone help me with tiki 9.3 and some perspectives-multisite-multidomain issues?
So: I have 1 domain and 1 subdomain. On the domain I have two perspectives (1&2) with jailroot in 2 different root categories (1&2), each with it's own theme, and on the subdomain one other perspective, root category and theme(id 3 for the perspective &category). Few problems here:
-it seems that no matter what I do, parts of the the calendar functionality, and some links from the articles take me back to a theme of the main domain (let's call it even if i'm still in my subdomain (let's call it wich should have a different theme, now how can this be, what am I doing wrong?
-only on the subdomain I need articles and events. How can I jail those articles to some category (id 3, I have two other subcategories: 21 for Events 22 for Articles)? I know, I added each article to their category, problem is the topics are not in some category (there isn't such setting there?) so when I list their articles they are displayed with the theme of instead of
-the same problem with the calendar: the events are part of the category 3 and subcategory 21, displayed with the associated theme, in their perspective on the subdomain, and the calendar is in the same categories (3,21) but when I click in the module on Latest events it shows the whole calendar in the body and I get the other domain theme...
-on the domain I have two perspectives cause I wanted to get rid of the Page title only on the home page. Had some areas there, deleted them later. The title appeared again; I put those area settings back, they really are the same but it simply ignores them now, and the title of the page is still there?
-not to mention that in the admin area I'm always in the perspective 2 no matter what I do;
-another maybe off topic question - how can one list the calendar events but somehow like the articles (all I need is not to display the details of the whole event, and also not only the title, but a title, short intro (a heading) and a read more button? What exactly are the "events" in a calendar? Wiki page, article... something else?
-more offtopic: is there any posibility to list wiki pages same as the articles, I mean with a title +intro/header+ Read More button? And how can I
Thanks! Very impressed with Tiki (except the perspectives=weird, unpredictable, problems) great job!