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Perspectives, multidomain and multi site issues

posts: 29 Romania

Hi, very new to this, can someone help me with tiki 9.3 and some perspectives-multisite-multidomain issues?

So: I have 1 domain and 1 subdomain. On the domain I have two perspectives (1&2) with jailroot in 2 different root categories (1&2), each with it's own theme, and on the subdomain one other perspective, root category and theme(id 3 for the perspective &category). Few problems here:

-it seems that no matter what I do, parts of the the calendar functionality, and some links from the articles take me back to a theme of the main domain (let's call it xxxxx.ro) even if i'm still in my subdomain (let's call it yyy.xxxxx.ro) wich should have a different theme, now how can this be, what am I doing wrong?
-only on the subdomain I need articles and events. How can I jail those articles to some category (id 3, I have two other subcategories: 21 for Events 22 for Articles)? I know, I added each article to their category, problem is the topics are not in some category (there isn't such setting there?) so when I list their articles they are displayed with the theme of xxxxx.ro instead of yyy.xxxxx.ro
-the same problem with the calendar: the events are part of the category 3 and subcategory 21, displayed with the associated theme, in their perspective on the yyy.xxxxx.ro subdomain, and the calendar is in the same categories (3,21) but when I click in the module on Latest events it shows the whole calendar in the body and I get the other xxxxxx.ro domain theme...
-on the domain xxxxx.ro I have two perspectives cause I wanted to get rid of the Page title only on the home page. Had some areas there, deleted them later. The title appeared again; I put those area settings back, they really are the same but it simply ignores them now, and the title of the page is still there?
-not to mention that in the admin area I'm always in the perspective 2 no matter what I do;
-another maybe off topic question - how can one list the calendar events but somehow like the articles (all I need is not to display the details of the whole event, and also not only the title, but a title, short intro (a heading) and a read more button? What exactly are the "events" in a calendar? Wiki page, article... something else?
-more offtopic: is there any posibility to list wiki pages same as the articles, I mean with a title +intro/header+ Read More button? And how can I

Thanks! Very impressed with Tiki (except the perspectives=weird, unpredictable, problems) great job!

posts: 35 Canada

There are quite a few issues here. I will try to keep them separate.

About calendars. There are multiple calendars in Tiki. It would seem like you are using the one that presents the Tiki activity. There is also one that presents events, which is a special data type. I do not know if those made it into Tiki9, but there is also a tracker calendar plugin that can display events from the trackers feature.

If you have a problem with a link generated, please provide more details, like a screenshot that can indicate the problem more clearly.

About articles not respecting jails. Topics are not categories. They are an older form of content categorization. If you want to use category jail, you need to use categories, which can be set on articles.

As for listing wiki pages as articles, this is something that could be achieved using the PluginList. Worst case scenario, you might need to use a custom template file.

Did I miss anything?

posts: 29 Romania

Thanks very much for taking an interest in this! But i use the event calendar and not the tiki calendar, I also have a module for the latest events, but whe I click on a link it takes me as I said in the calendar displayed with other theme, the one for xxxxx.ro instead of the one for yyy.xxxxx.ro as it should. The calendar is associated with the proper categories.

For the Articles I also used the proper category, but when one clicks the link tiki-view_articles.php?topic=1 (can I get rid of it, it appears where the picture of the article should be?) it lists all the articles, but same as in the calendar case, with the other theme.

Is there a plugin for the calendar to list the events? With some text I mean, not only a table of links? A sectioning button for Read more like in Tiny MCE editor would be great.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Search for plugins and modules realted to calendars in the Plugins List

and the modules list

There should be some called "events", "upcoming events", "calendar", "calendar_new" (maybe), etc. Many things to look at, and probably not updated documentation about it in the pages about Calendar

Your help is very welcome to have the documentation pages more updated and missinformation fixed! 😉

In addition, you might be interested in using the PluginTrackerCalendar, to get all the power of trackers to display data in a Calendar-type of mode, etc.