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How do I set an article as homepage for my wiki?

posts: 98 Greece
If I just fill the url of the article I want to appear as homepage in the "use custom homepage" field, I get an error.
posts: 72 United States

On the Admin page got to Wiki (tiki-admin.php?page=wiki) and there is a field called "Home page" that allows you to specify what page you want your home page to be. I just tested on 9.6 and using an article title and it didn't work. I didn't put the url in there, just the article title. What I got was a home page with the Article title, but the contents of the article were replaced with the generic Home Page content you get when you first install Tiki: "Thank you for installing Tiki. The entire Tiki Community would like to thank you and help you get introduced to Tiki. etc"

One way I get article info on my home page is with the ARTICLES plugin. Not exactly what you're looking for, but might be able to accomplish the same thing.

posts: 98 Greece

Well, Rick, I don't seem to get it.

(a) I created an article, named "welcome", which I want to set as my wiki home page.
(b) I enter its full url (http://my-wiki-site.com/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=6) in the Wiki Home Page field, but, then
(c) when I save changes, in my home page I get either of these two, depending on what I have checked in the settings (Use custom homepage enabled or not, use tiki homepage -> wiki ->articles etc., anything, I admit I tried them all, rather blindly):

1) the article title, as described by zac above
2) an error message: ''No route found. Please see http://dev.tiki.org/url+Rewriting+Revamp
What am I (obviously) doing wrong?

posts: 215

You only need the part of the link (URI?) that Rick showed in his example, not the full URL.

Go to Admin home, General, Navigation tab.
In "Use Tiki feature as homepage", select "Custom home".
Check "Use custom homepage", then set "Homepage URL:" to: tiki-read_article.php?articleId=6

Are you sure you want to use a specific Article as the home page? If you ever want to change your home page, you would have to edit that Article. Or, if you publish a new Article that you want as a home page, you would have to change the Article Id in the "Homepage URL:".

Setting "Use Tiki feature as homepage" to "Articles" (and not setting "Use custom homepage") will display all the Articles on the home page in descending publish date order. You could always delete the previous Article if you only wanted the most recent Article to display.

posts: 98 Greece

while I had used your instructions to successfully solve my problem, I just encountered a new problem today (well, either new, or something that was there before and I had not noticed it).

Remember, my settings at admin home, General, Navigation tab are:
In "Use Tiki feature as homepage", I have selected "Custom home", I have checked "Use custom homepage", then have set "Homepage URL:" to: tiki-read_article.php?articleId=6.

Everything ok with my home page. Then today I discovered that another "home page" was listed in my wiki pages, and that was because the very next box, "wiki home page" was filled with the name "home page". If I delete this supposed home page from my wiki pages, will be created again! If I leave the field blank, I will get a blank page created and again listed in my wiki pages! (see attached pic below).

How do I take both of them away from my life? (...from my wiki?)

posts: 215

I do not have any experience with using a non wiki page as the homepage.

From your description, it sounds like you will not be able to set it so the homepage, or the page with a blank name, is not created.

Since it is going to create one or the other, I recommend letting it create the homepage, or at least a page with some name.

Once the homepage is created, you could edit the permissions on that specific page and make it only readable by Admins. Then it should only show up in the page lists for people that are logged in with Admin authority.

That doesn't get rid of it for you, but it should make it so your users don't see it.


posts: 98 Greece

hmmm hmmm and hmmm again. I will make a new post then, dedicated to this matter (just to attract more attention) -and if there is no way to move this page off my wiki, I will file it as a bug.

Thanks Tom.

posts: 98 Greece

That was it, thanks Tom.

The reason for choosing an article instead of a wiki page as home page, is that I couldn't find any other way to take the home wiki page out of the "most read wiki pages" in the list of the relevant module. Obviously, being a wiki page itself, the home page was at the top of the list all the times.

posts: 215

It does not appear on the "Module top_pages" documentation page, but looking at the code in: modules/mod-func-top_pages.php, it appears that you can specify categories as a parameter for the module. So, you could categorize your pages and then put the home page in a unique category, and specify all the category Ids except for the home page's category in the module parameters. That way you could exclude the home page from the list of most viewed.

I have to take off for the day so I can not explore using categories with the top_pages module right now.


posts: 98 Greece

Right Tom, I guess I could fix that the way you indicate, as well.

Just for the sake of the discussion, though, I don't see any argument against using an article as a home page, instead of a wiki page. I am talking about my site, of course, and my specific needs. My home page is not editable by users anyway, an article is quite similar to the wiki-page, so why not?