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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

FATAL Error during 18.1 Upgrade

posts: 758 United States

Any ideas? Thanks for any feedback.
Tried upgrading from 18.0 php5.6 innoDB to 18.1
I also tried it again using php7.0 but the same Fatal error persist.
The following error appeared on a blank white screen upon locking the installation and clicking on next.

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Fatal error: Declaration of Zend\Session\Validator\AbstractValidatorChainEM2::attach($event, $callback = NULL, $priority = 1) must be compatible with Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface::attach($eventName, callable $listener, $priority = 1) in /home/tpwtestuser/public_html/wiki/vendor_bundled/vendor/zendframework/zend-session/src/Validator/AbstractValidatorChainEM2.php on line 17
posts: 20 United States
No idea in your specific case, but I had this same error upgrading from 17.2 to 18.2. The problem was unzipping the new files over top the old files. When I deleted the vendor folders and re-unzipped 18.2 the problem was resolved.

posts: 33
Thanks Doug. That fixed the issue in my 17..2 to 18.2 upgrade as well. And just to clarify, "vendor folders" means the four folders "vendor", "vendor_bundled", "vendor_custom", and "vendor_extra". Ends up "vendor" is mostly empty and the real content is in "vendor_bundled". "vendor_bundled" is the path the error is generated from as well.