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Architecture / Installation

Multi language forums - how are they done?

posts: 96 Romania
Could someone please explain how the multilingual forums were implemented? Right now there are French, Italian, and Portuguese (Brazilian) forums. I thought Tikiwiki could only do one language at a time? Are there separate Tikiwikis or some custom code that isn't featured in the releases?
posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Nope, just simply, different forums. in the same way as this forum is different from the Features/Useability one.


posts: 96 Romania
Duh! Easy, thanks.
posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> trickster:
> Duh! Easy, thanks.

Maybe too easy to be obvouis 😉

/me needs to learn to spell 😉


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> trickster:
> Duh! Easy, thanks.

Maybe too easy to be obvouis 😉

/me needs to learn to spell 😉
