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Architecture / Installation

Cannot create Database with IIS6

posts: 8 Australia

I need need help, I want to run tiki 1.8.2 under IIS6 and mysql 4.0.18
I guess easyPHP has no support for ver1.8.2 yet?
At the installation script window I select basic enabled profile then click create and nothing is successful. I have included the messages in a text file, Does anyone know anyone who has 1.8.2 running on IIS ?


The muzza

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

MMm, follow the InstallTiki IIS installation page.

Seems to me like you forgot to create the database in MySQL first

I have a client using IIS with MSSQL without trouble on 1.8.3

EasyPHP will support any web application as its only apache, PHP and mysql bundled together.
