Is TikiWiki suitable for a collaboration network with workspaces
Dear Yuri,
May be someone will have time to invest to help you, but what you ask is not a 15mn question/answer.
With such limited specifications (I don't see a lot of aspect of the user management) and admitting you are talking about Wiki page and files only, I can see how each formal groups is related to 2 tiki group (ie: usergroupA admingroupA, etc.)... but from experience, this is just a part of your puzzle.
I really believe you need to plan everything and experiment with Tiki and the documntation open. When you are stuck, come back to us with specific and limited question. I and other will be happy to help.
And if you want someone experimented with Tiki to do the job faster for you, then I encourage you to hire a Tiki consultant.