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1.  Toolbar set 'Tiki' doesn't exist

when use WYSIWYG editor, it will report the error like this, I want to use WYSIWYG editor because of its convinience, what should I do to solve this problem and make the editor usable?

2.  Fatal error : Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134504736 bytes) in Unknow on line 0

this error appears when I edit the wiki page, It is not a error, but a bug I think, but It really affect the web site in security. who have the best idea to solve this bug? help me please!

3.  the "SAVE" button does not work!

today, the save button does not work sudenly, I don't know what is the matter. Yestoday I tried to solve the problem 1 and 2 and do as the site http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=1732, and today morning I found that I can't edit the wiki page because it can not save!!

I am very anxious about these problems, I tried to find the answer on Google and other places, nothing match, if you can help me , answer the comments or  contract me please, my email is lafier.kong at seeedstudio.com.

God bless you!

Page last modified on Wednesday 10 November 2010 06:41:51 GMT-0000