Some ideas for thumbnails in the directory - needs more thought
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mdavey just had a wicked cool idea mdavey Just updated TikiWIkiBestOf with images from thumbshots: mdavey Then I thought: wouldn't it be cool if the Tiki directory could have images of the links so that the layout is similar to articles with images mdavey - using thumbshots URLs to generate the thumbnails. Of course, it would only work for external sites that are in dmoz. tw.o and are both there :) mdavey thinks it /would/ be cool [...] mose thinks the thumbshot idea sounds cool damian yeah I think the thumbnail but having to rely on dmoz could be a issue mdavey mm. Best to give dirrectory entries an image URL. More flexible - one could alternatively create a directory section called "External articles" and use the same images as the internal articles use. mdavey I'm sure it won't be too long before google offers image snapshots of search results. mdavey s/image/page/ damian it would be better if we could generate them ourselves as relying on third parties causes terrible problems, for example the current situation with external RSS feeds damian if the external site is having trouble, the tiki die's a death also [...] mdavey damian doesn't RSS get cached now? mdavey perhaps the directory thumbnails could be cached too. They probably don't change that often. [...] damian yeah the problem is to get the data into the cache mdavey how does the RSS caching work? It would be easy to create an image.php?url=foo script that either serves up the proper image or an invisible image (or a 1x1 px image) if the image hasn't been cached yet. Once it is cached, it is cached. damian the problem is waiting for a timeout from the remote server mdavey one could even make sure that dmoz wasn't serving /us/ a blank or 1x1 px image damian because you cant background process a get mdavey ah damian on in the users control panel there are options to do those backgrounds now as a cronjob to prevent the tiki site from dieing a death damian it also handles mail-ins mdavey are there issues with running such a thing from the command line? damian not everyone can do cronjobs [...] mdavey on - does that work by not using unix cron jobs, or is "not everyone can do cronjobs" still an issue [...] damian nope the fix was to disable the cache :) damian each user can do crons burley ok, then that's something I'll be looking into. damian and I did some new scripts to stuff the data into the tiki db's mdavey so would the way to do this simply be "the same as rss does it"? damian rss does it in real time in tikiwiki, if the site your getting the feed from is down, your tiki also hangs [...] damian once you have it cached your ok, until the cache expires in x hours mdavey ...the same way as rss does it on damian with cronjob gets tiki only displays what is in the db and doesnt do the remote site getting damian so if the remote site is down, it doesnt harm your tiki site damian yup rss and mailin are all available as cron services