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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


THUMB Wiki Plugin

This plugin is useful to include images in wiki pages with minimal disturbance of the text flow. It's an autonomous plugin, you should be able to use it with any version of Tiki (at least since 1.6). If you want to use it in an old version just copy the file in lib/wiki-plugins/


Copy to clipboard

will be transformed in the following thumbnail. Pass your mouse over the thumbnail to get a frame/popup/thing with the full sized image.
Image Image Image


  • Mandatory
    • image : the local path to the image file (won't work with remote files)
  • Optional
    • max : indicate the max width or height (whichever is higher) for the thumbnail (default 84)
    • float : none (default), left or right to make the text run around the thumbnail if wanted
    • data : it's the special plugin parameter to name what is between the tags. If text is included there, it will be printed over the image. This can be weird, but fun.



  • hide the zoomed image onclick instead of onmouseout to allow moving and exploring the whole image in a browser's viewport
  • put a link to the original image for non-javascript enabled browsers

  • a parameter to clear the border of the image
  • a parameter to inform the size of the original image when put the mouse over the thumbnail

Page last modified on Wednesday 12 July 2006 04:07:09 GMT-0000

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