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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


<!--This is{/tr} Tiki v1.8 -Polaris- ? 20022004 by the{/tr} <a href="http://tikiwiki.org">Tiki community{/tr}</a> {if $feature_calendar eq 'y' and $tiki_p_view_calendar eq 'y'} <a href="tiki-calendar.php">{$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime}</a> {else} {$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime} {/if} {if $tiki_p_admin eq 'y' and $feature_debug_console eq 'y'} ?//?<a href="javascript:toggle('debugconsole');">debug{/tr}</a>


<!This section shows the images>

<div id="tiki-top"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td height=100 width=308> <img src="./img/wiki/Leedsth.gif" align="left"> </td> <td align="center" valign="center"> <img src="./img/wiki/intranet_header.png"/> </td> <td height=100 width=308> <img src="./img/wiki/Nycris.gif" align="right"> </td> </tr> </table> </div>

<!This section displays the login box>

<div id="tiki-top"> <table width="100%" bgcolor=#0066CC > <tr> {if $user} <td class="tiki-top">  Welcome{/tr}: {$user} <a href="tiki-logout.php" class="tiki-top">(Logout){/tr}</a></td> {else} <form name="loginbox" action="{$login_url}" method="post" {if $feature_challenge eq 'y'}onsubmit="doChallengeResponse()"{/if}> <!-- {if $feature_challenge eq 'y'} {literal} function doChallengeResponse() { hashstr = document.loginbox.user.value + document.loginbox.pass.value + document.loginbox.email.value; str = document.loginbox.user.value + MD5(hashstr) + document.loginbox.challenge.value; document.loginbox.response.value = MD5(str); document.loginbox.pass.value=''; /* document.login.password.value = ""; document.logintrue.username.value = document.login.username.value; document.logintrue.response.value = MD5(str); document.logintrue.submit(); */ document.loginbox.submit(); return false; } {/literal} <input type="hidden" name="challenge" value="{$challenge|escape}" /> <input type="hidden" name="response" value="" /> {/if} --><td> <td class="tiki-top" align="left"> User{/tr}:</td> <td align="left"> <input type="text" name="user" size="10" /></td> <td class="tiki-top" align="left"> Password{/tr}:</td> <td align="left"> <input type="password" name="pass" size="10" /></td> <td align="left"> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login{/tr}" /></td> {if $forgotPass eq 'y'} <td ><a class="linkmodule" href="tiki-remind_password.php">I forgot my pass{/tr}</a></td> {/if} </td> </form> {/if} <!This section displays the search box> <td align="right" class="tiki-top" width="75%"> {if $feature_search eq 'y'} <form class="forms" method="get" action="tiki-searchresults.php">Search{/tr} <input id="fuser" name="words" size="14" type="text" accesskey="s" /> in:{/tr} <select name="where"> <option value="pages">Entire Site{/tr}</option> {if $feature_wiki eq 'y'} <option value="wikis">Wiki Pages{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_directory eq 'y'} <option value="directory">Directory{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_galleries eq 'y'} <option value="galleries">Image Gallerys{/tr}</option> <option value="images">Images{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_file_galleries eq 'y'} <option value="files">Files{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_articles eq 'y'} <option value="articles">Articles{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_forums eq 'y'} <option value="forums">Forums{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_blogs eq 'y'} <option value="blogs">Blogs{/tr}</option> <option value="posts">Blog Posts{/tr}</option> {/if} {if $feature_faqs eq 'y'} <option value="faqs">FAQs{/tr}</option> {/if} </select> <input type="submit" class="wikiaction" name="search" value="Go{/tr}"/> </form> {/if} </td> </td> </tr> </table> </div>

Page last modified on Sunday 08 August 2004 07:48:45 GMT-0000

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