



  • Creating and modifying tracker items via API    ()
    Hello. I need to create and modify tracker items from an external program in Linux environment. I've correctly set up the API access with its bearer token and I'm able to read tracker items and to change their status, via API, but I can not modify them or create new items. API is throwing this response all the times: ^{"code":400,"errortitle":"Tracker item could not be created.","message":"Tracker item could not be created."}^ I think the format of the request body I'm sending is not accepted by the API. I can not find any example in the doc API page [2] or in the forums on how to build the request although I've found this example [1] and used that format but it didn't work. The format I'm using with API page and with curl as well is: ^"fields": { "logName": 1, "logInterface": 2, "logUser": "jdoe", "logIP": "", "logMAC": "ffffffff", "logHostname": "joesmacbook", "logAction": "INIT", }^ Which is the same than the [1] example: ^"fields": { "newsTitle": "a test title", "newsURL": "https://tiki.org", "newsSummary": "a test news summary", "newsDate": now, }^ Which is the correct request body format to, in this case, modify a tracker item? Also, which is the correct one to create new items? It would be nice to have some examples in the doc page [2]. Thank you. F. Ken [1] https://dev.tiki.org/API-Access-Example [2] https://doc.tiki.org/API
  • Help with migrating image galleries to file gallery    ()
    I have a wiki with over 50,000 images in image galleries (stored in directory) which I need to migrate to file gallery before I can begin upgrading to latest versions (which no longer support image galleries). When I click on the 'Migrate images to File Gallery' button it causes a site timeout. The script obviously cannot handle such a large task. I have looked and have not been able to find a way to migrate individual image galleries one by one to file galleries. I am using version 18.7 of tikiwiki. Any suggestions or advice about how I might be able to complete this task or if this task is possible with later version of tikiwiki would be greatly appreciated.
  • Tiki connection to a AD server in a external private network.    ()
    Hello everyone. So I guess my question is more to do with networking side, but since its between a tiki instance and a Active Directory server, I guess this forum is a suitable place to ask it. Currently, the organization i work at uses Active Directory for authentication and other purposes. we have roughly 500 users. And we are on the verge of utilizing tiki for a lot of our application needs. As such another external organization that is providing tiki consulting to us is hosting a tiki instance on our behalf and leading the initial development effort. We want our users to be able to login to the tiki instance and verify the work as well as provide feedback, but creating a new account for each user is a hassle to maintain. We want to make the user able to login to those instances using LDAP. What would be a appropriate way to make the tiki instance have access to our AD server that sits in the company internal network. We have access to the firewall and can create rules and policies for it. We can also create VPN for the tiki instance, but we want to know what security implications there might be or what is a good way to proceed forward with this requirement ?
  • Tracker broken after upgrade from 25.2 to 27.0    ()
    I can revert to my backup if I need to. I upgraded from Tiki 25.2 directly to 27.0 because I was having an issue with the upgrade to 26.2. (this bug I encountered was already documented) After upgraded to 27.0, everything was fine except that one of my trackers broken. Tracker number 4 no longer works. All of the other trackers are fine. I've tried clearing the cache. I've also tried rebuilding the index and I get this error message. {CODE()} Error The search index could not be rebuilt. Field with fieldId: 26 not found in definition of 4{CODE}
  • Help for filtering two different tracker's fields with PLUGIN LIST    ()
    I want to convert the following trackerfilter coding to plugin list coding ... {CODE()}{trackerfilter trackerId="1" fields="157:2" filterfield="169" exactvalue="field(143,user,2)"}{CODE} Basically, to filter and list all the users that their value on tracker field 169 matches with the current user's value on tracker 143 ... (documentation here https://doc.tiki.org/PluginTrackerList#How_to_filter_a_tracker_function_of_a_field_in_a_user_tracker.) Can someone provide the syntax for it please ?
  • Tiki 27.0Alpha Categories    ()
    On upgrading from v 26.2 to 27.0a I have the following issues The Category ID is no longer listed alongside the Category "directory" listing. The (files categId="x") function no longer lists the relevant objects but it does list the category name. Am i missing some php function or option in my installation perhaps? Rod
  • Help with opening links in new window    ()
    Hello everybody … I hope someone can help with this one … I use trackerfilter or plugin list to collect some results that meet some conditions … these results are displayed in a table and basically they are the users that meet some criteria (trackers) … After the search is done and I have the users that meet the criteria in a table, I want to see more details for each user so I wrote showlinks=”y” to open a template for more details … The problem is that when I hit the user’s link the template is opening on the same browser window … I want the links on the results table to open in a new window or a popup box … (I made it with the developers tools by adding target=_blank on the link but I cannot find the php file to actually add the code) Any clues ???
  • How to have the structure breadcrumb menu second level to stay open after click ?    ()
    Hello, On a Wiki I have Wiki Structure and it display a breadcrumb at the top of the page to navigate. When I click on a sub-page structure folder, it show (toggle) open the second level but the menu is now closed. 😳 The user can't see what he just open. Any ideas to keep the menu open ? {mediaplayer src="display3543"} {DIV(bg="#ebf9ff" width="100%" align="center")}{icon name="user" size="1"} ((UserPageBsfez|Bsfez)) | {icon name="facebook" size="1"} [https://facebook.com/bsfez|Bernard Sfez] | {icon name="youtube" size="1"} [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgM1YJeUCaszrTsuZub0Qpg| Tiki Express Tutorials] | {icon name="envelope-o" size="1"} me@bsfez.com | {icon name="home" size="1"} https://www.bsfez.com{DIV}
  • Triggers to move Items between Categories and create Items in other Trackers    ()
    Hello I am evaluating Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware for use at work, primarily as an issue tracker and inventory tracker. If successful, we might also use if for workflows at a later stage. I played around with the demo server at __demo.tiki.org__ but was unable to figure out how to enable some of the more advanced fields from the videos. I was also unable to create any triggers for transitions between categories or triggers in a tracker to automatically create new items in another tracker upon some change. Is the demo server just very limited? Does Tiki have any features to create new items in other trackers if something changes in an item? I read somewhere that workflows are now handled by the category transitions, but I was unable to create any triggers for the transitions in the demo server. In order to try this, I had made several trackers with items and several categories and assigned those items to categories. I was able to create a transition, but unable to figure out the triggers (and guards?). I spent several hours trying to find answers in the docs and also in these forums, but wasn't able to find anything that works in the demo server or even answers to all my questions. Can anyone point me to the right docs or let me know if these features even exist in Tiki? I am a software developer, and willing to make small scripts to help facilitate the desired behaviour, but my time is limited. Larger code changes would be out of scope for me. Thanks for any answers!
  • [SOLVED] Search Index failure    ()
    I had to finally upgrade due to the hosting provider cutting off all PHP except 8. Went from 21.2 to 26.2. One site, permissions got a little messed up. But this site in question here has two issues. I will post a separate topic for each. Immediately after the upgrade, even non-logged in users see a message that there is a search index failure. To ask the admin to update the index. When logged in as an admin, the search index failure banner suggesting a ssh command be executed (php console.php index:rebuild). But that as well as the web-based command (tiki-admin.php?page=search&rebuild=now) both fail. I have consulted the page https://doc.tiki.org/Rebuild-Unified-Index but nothing there seems to work or apply. It is a shared hosting platform so I do not have access to root or the web server account to sudo too. The error is: error: Unsupported index type "lucene". Needs to be one of "mysql", "elastic" or "manticore". Try resaving the Search Control Panel I did not get this on my other site that upgraded to 26.2 and PHP 8. I have cleared caches.

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<title>SourceForge.net: Project Summary: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware (tikiwiki project)</title>


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<description>The world's largest Open Source software development website</description>
<title>Project name: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware</title>
<description>Project description: Powerful multilingual Wiki/CMS/Groupware to build & manage your Wiki, File Sharing/Image Gallery, CMS, Blog, Tracker/Forms, Forum, Directory, Polls, Surveys, Quizzes, Newsletters, Calendars, FAQs, Spreadsheets, Maps, Workflow, etc. - That all is Tiki !</description>

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<title>Developers on project: 440</title>
<description>Project administrators: &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/chibaguy/"&#62;chibaguy&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/lrargerich/"&#62;lrargerich&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/luciash/"&#62;luciash&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/marclaporte/"&#62;marclaporte&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/mose/"&#62;mose&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/nkoth/"&#62;nkoth&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/nyloth/"&#62;nyloth&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/ohertel/"&#62;ohertel&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/pkdille/"&#62;pkdille&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/redflo/"&#62;redflo&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/ricks99/"&#62;ricks99&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/sylvieg/"&#62;sylvieg&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/xavidp/"&#62;xavidp&#60;/a&#62;</description>

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<title>Activity percentile (last week): 99.97%</title>
<description>Most recent daily statistics ( 9 Nov 2009): Ranking: 71, Activity percentile: 99.97%, </description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/project/stats/?group_id=64258&ugn=tikiwiki</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Downloadable files: 784609 total downloads to date</title>
<description>Most recent daily statistics ( 9 Nov 2009): Download count: 233</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Mailing lists (public): 5</title>
<description>Public mailing lists: tikiwiki-cvs, tikiwiki-devel, tikiwiki-pt-br, tikiwiki-users, tikiwiki-artwork</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=64258</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Bugs (288 open/2021 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Bug Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506846&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Support Requests (2 open/201 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Tech Support Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506847&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Patches (71 open/184 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Patch Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506848&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Feature Requests (690 open/879 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Feature Request Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506849&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>


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