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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

File Galleries

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  T Name Size Created / Uploaded
Forum Files
Files posted with forum posts
24.00 MB
Tiki Feature Screenshots (post Bootstrap intro)
A set of images with consistent appearance for use in demos, slideshows, etc. (to replace old, outdated images still being used for some resources.). Subdirectory holds images with default Bootstrap appearance in Tiki 17 or so. Others can be added.
1.31 MB
Roundtable files
525.47 KB
Images for Editors and Gardeners
2.24 MB
Featured Tikis
This image gallery contains a collection of featured Tiki sites. It demonstrates the wide variety of websites you can create with Tiki. Whatever you're looking for... chances are that Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware has it!
28.72 MB
Tiki Info
Files for the Tiki info section (restricted)
5.19 MB
Tiki Service Providers
Photos and Logos for the new (2015) consultants tracker (#22)
1.51 MB
Security (restricted)
Private Security Team files
1.25 MB
546.48 KB
Tiki Profile Images
Images for Tiki Profiles from http://profiles.tiki.org
4.53 MB
11.40 MB
Screenies from error messages on tiki.org websites.
23.13 MB
Demo files
Here to upload files for quick demos, for ex to check if a svg file is shown on a wikipage
43.61 MB
115.15 KB
Tiki Suite
37.92 KB
267.01 KB
Promo Sheets
3.63 MB
611.73 MB
TikiPackages under development
85.38 KB
System AddOns
Third party softwares, tools or scripts useful with tikiwiki.
127.87 KB
Galaxia Processes
Here you can get and put the xml file from galaxia processes.
2.39 KB
Smarty Aids
Schema's, extensions, plugins, addons that make editing Smarty templates easier.
13.77 KB
This gallery is to contain files to run the Maps feature via the Mapserver.
659.90 KB