History: Tiki Suite brainstorming
Preview of version: 6
- what needs should be covered and
- which components should be part of the suite
Related: Components and criteria
Operating system / Server / Firewall
Ubuntu server is the recommended platform for BigBlueButton, and Debian or Ubuntu is the recommended platform for Kaltura, so it makes sense to use the same, but it's not a show-stopper. It needs to offer PHP/MySQL/APC (or XCache)
- An LDAP directory
- We need a web interface to manage the LDAP server
- Mail server (SMTP+IMAP), which can be accessed by Tiki webmail.
- A Jabber server, with a nice integration with the mail server like this
- A list server like Mailman
For administration of openLDAP, LDAP Account Manager can be integrated
cdrwhite runs several boxes with openLDAP, postfix, courier IMAP (courier authdaemond offers ldap but also mysql: we could also use tiki based authentication + vmail for that combination)
- https://www.ohloh.net/tags/pbx
- https://www.ohloh.net/tags/sip
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/sipxecs http://www.sipfoundry.org/about
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/elastix
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/kamailio/
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/yate
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/opensips
- http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Sofia
Client software
Tiki Suite is a server solution so users should only need a modern browser. However, there are some times where the browser is not (yet) ideal, and client software should be recommended. Ideally, this client software is
- available in a portable mode, such as PortableApps.com
- This means there is no "installation". The user can just use a USB key/portable disk.
- cross platform
- open source
- can start up and log in when user boots up computer
We'll be looking for both desktop apps and mobile apps. Mobile apps is more for the notifier than for the WebDAV edit access to files
WebDAV edit access to files
Should be cross-platform like Jitsi or QuteCom
Ideally, runs on PortableApps.com
If this is not part of the SIP/XMPP client, we'll be looking for a system tray notifier app like StatusNet Desktop
- New message in chatroom
- New email received
- New dent/tweet
- Play audio and video podcasts
- While any modern browser will do, Firefox or the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite are candidates.
- If you don't like webmail, you can use an IMAP client such as Thunderbird Portable or the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite (portable version)
Office suite
- SIP client
- VPN client
- Mail client
- Shared Calendar
- Shared Contacts
- etc.
To be decided
- An SEO tool
- Mostly useful for web agency use case
- StatusNet Status updates/micro-blogging (distributed) or {wish id=2258}
- cdrwhite: how about a few minimal extensions to the shoutbox stuff, we already have? shouts-per-user (also as rss), twitter-account and facebook-account as objects with object permissions, allowing a group to use one account)
- marclaporte: Yes, that is an option, and making interoperable with StatusNet
- cdrwhite: how about a few minimal extensions to the shoutbox stuff, we already have? shouts-per-user (also as rss), twitter-account and facebook-account as objects with object permissions, allowing a group to use one account)
- Business Intelligence
- How TRIM fits in
For a local server there should also be:
- SAMBA server (authenticating against openLDAP)
- NFS server (authenticating against openLDAP)
- A VOIP-Solution (cdrwhite: Asterisk + FreePBX + tftp-Server for phones)
- A solution for automated backups (cdrwhite: I use my own bash scripts with support for local folder/streamer, scp/ftp/ and all mountable folders, backing up mysql, openldap and different folders, will shortly be (again) available at http://adminloesungen.de/