History: Tiki Suite brainstorming
Preview of version: 9
- what needs should be covered and
- which components should be part of the suite
Related: Components and criteria
Operating system / Server / Firewall
Ubuntu server is the recommended platform for BigBlueButton, and Debian or Ubuntu is the recommended platform for Kaltura, so it makes sense to use the same, but it's not a show-stopper. It needs to offer PHP/MySQL/APC (or XCache)
- An LDAP directory
- We need a web interface to manage the LDAP server
- Mail server (SMTP+IMAP), which can be accessed by Tiki webmail.
- A Jabber server, with a nice integration with the mail server like this
- A list server like Mailman
For administration of openLDAP, LDAP Account Manager can be integrated
cdrwhite runs several boxes with openLDAP, postfix, courier IMAP (courier authdaemond offers ldap but also mysql: we could also use tiki based authentication + vmail for that combination)
- https://www.ohloh.net/tags/pbx
- https://www.ohloh.net/tags/sip
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/sipxecs http://www.sipfoundry.org/about
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/elastix
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/kamailio/
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/yate
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/opensips
- http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Sofia
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/compare?metric=Activity&project_0=Yate&project_1=Freeswitch&project_2=Asterisk
Client software
WebDAV edit access to files
Should be cross-platform like Jitsi or QuteCom
Ideally, runs on PortableApps.com
If this is not part of the SIP/XMPP client, we'll be looking for a system tray notifier app like StatusNet Desktop
- New message in chatroom
- New email received
- New dent/tweet
- Play audio and video podcasts
- While any modern browser will do, Firefox or the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite are candidates.
- If you don't like webmail, you can use an IMAP client such as Thunderbird Portable or the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite (portable version)
Office suite
- SIP client
- VPN client
- Mail client
- Shared Calendar
- Shared Contacts
- etc.
To be decided
- An SEO tool
- Mostly useful for web agency use case
- StatusNet Status updates/micro-blogging (distributed) or {wish id=2258}
- cdrwhite: how about a few minimal extensions to the shoutbox stuff, we already have? shouts-per-user (also as rss), twitter-account and facebook-account as objects with object permissions, allowing a group to use one account)
- marclaporte: Yes, that is an option, and making interoperable with StatusNet
- cdrwhite: how about a few minimal extensions to the shoutbox stuff, we already have? shouts-per-user (also as rss), twitter-account and facebook-account as objects with object permissions, allowing a group to use one account)
- Business Intelligence
- How TRIM fits in
- Hosting companies could offer this as SAAS: http://tiki.org/SWOT#SaaS_Hosted_solutions_Wikifarm_D_ and maintain Tiki instances with TRIM
- More details at: http://tiki.org/Business+Models#Advanced_hosting
For a local server there should also be:
- SAMBA server (authenticating against openLDAP)
- NFS server (authenticating against openLDAP)
- A VOIP-Solution (cdrwhite: Asterisk + FreePBX + tftp-Server for phones)
- A solution for automated backups (cdrwhite: I use my own bash scripts with support for local folder/streamer, scp/ftp/ and all mountable folders, backing up mysql, openldap and different folders, will shortly be (again) available at http://adminloesungen.de/