History: About Tiki Teams
Preview of version: 2
What teams are
- Small groups of individuals towards more focused goals, according to their experience, availability & interests. To make our community more efficient and scalable.
- They are mentors, coordinators, facilitators.
- A way to make it easier to get involved
- A way to deal with information overload.
- They are waiting for you to join!
- Self-organizing
- Dogfooding the BigBlueButton, PluginConvene, Organic Groups, Group Watch, PluginInvite, PluginMemberList and PluginSubscribeGroups features.
- They are called teams and not groups 1- To avoid potential confusion with group feature and 2- To express that these Teams have things to do!
What teams are not
- They are not closed. Each team should have as many people as possible.
- Are not putting strict limits of responsibility, as there is a lot of collaboration/overlap between mandates.
- These people are not gatekeepers. The community is wiki way! You don't have to ask permission to commit code or improve the documentation for example. We don't want any potential bottlenecks. It doesn't mean that these people are "responsible" to help you. They are volunteers just like you.
What teams should do
Maintain their wiki page which answers:
- What? Why? Who? When? How? etc.
- It should be easy to see current status and for anyone to jump in and help
- Suggested sections
- Who is in the team and how to join
- Lead: I commit to making things better here
- Help: I can't take a leadership position, but will help when I can (and when asked)
- Follow: I am interested in this stuff but not ready to help yet. Keep me in the loop of what is happening
- Ongoing responsibilities (what are the recurring tasks and who is doing it or looking-for-a-volunteer)
- One time tasks do-and-cross-out type tasks (A few hours at most, who is doing it or looking-for-a-volunteer, and estimated completion date)
- What are the responsibilities at each release? Release Roles
- Projects (Things that take dozens of hours)
- Once the project is completed, it will likely lead to adding new items to ongoing responsibilites
- Main tiki.org related to this team
- Related Links (procedures, best practices, etc.)
- Who is in the team and how to join
See also:
- List of Teams
- Lists of members of all Teams