History: Community Worldmap
Preview of version: 161
The Community Worldmap is now live!
Our Tiki Map features the community worldmap here on tikiwiki.org semi-dynamically from now on: in a nice zoomable, panable, layered fashion.
If you feel like adding your spot, edit your location in User Preferences.
Thanks to Franck, Spatialguru, Mose, the users and developers of the Mapserver community, and all others who inspired and worked on these features!
For some quick-overview links and starters, check out these:
Now, local Tiki Communities could add mapviews here on this page... Just grab the url of a nice view on the worldmap with some community members on it, and show us where you are!
Satellite photos (please be patient) of Tikiers in:
Please participate!
Look up your longitude & latitude! and enter your location in your Personal Information tab in User Preferences! Once you add your coordinates, please drop by the IRC chatroom and ask an admin to regenerate the maps.
If you are interested in more detail about this feature, read up on TikiMap!
All coordinates previously entered manually on this page have been transferred in the user preferences.