History: Configuration Profiles Team
Preview of version: 50
The Configuration Profiles Team is responsible to produce a great first impression and useful out-of-the box solutions for site admins. Maintaining profiles for use cases, a coherent admin panel, and sensible defaults.
Release responsibilities
- Determine which profiles are "Featured" and make them excellent
- Make sure admin panels are intuitive and appealing for site admins. For end users and content creators, see UX and Themes Team.
- Go through the steps of a new end-user installing Tiki, and note and correct any unclear user interface.
Coordination page:
- Search
- Rename MySQL Full Text Search to "classic" instead of "legacy"
- Make MySQL Full Text Search the default in 9.x LTS to avoid situations like this: http://tiki.org/forumthread45711
- Started at http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/45122 but there is an issue
- InnoDB vs MyISAM
- What should be the search in the featured profiles? feature_search_fulltext or feature_search ?
- CodeMirror
Turn off by default because it has issues that won't be resolved in 9.x : http://dev.tiki.org/Web-based+source+code+editor#Bugsdone- But now, it's not available to PluginCode when users specifically ask for code highlighting...
- Have a profile for each of the Use cases
- Revamp the admin panel
- Things are too scattered
- Maintain profiles.tiki.org
- Review, evaluate and categorize all profiles
- Handle Default Preferences to be changed
- Review Simpler config on Fresh install
- When a feature is known to be buggy and won't be fixed in a version, tag it as experimental so as to avoid headaches for other users
- Run Preferences report and make sure descriptions are clear for the average user.
- Try to keep configuration profiles in step with web best practices and most common use cases.
SEO & Profiles
When we work on branding, and surely look at SEO, let's use all these backlinks to promote taglines. Ex.:
- One of the best wikis
- With the all in-one-model, avoid plugin problems that other web apps have.
- ...
- Using profiles to replace mods
- NEW: From: William Bliss
- I wonder if this Team is biting off more than it has time to chew?
- Rather than listing every possible gigantic UseCase, why not start with an Architectural view: connecting small components together? Figure out what are the simplest, most useful components and make sure Tiki has them.
- In other words, first ask, what are the Requirements that virtually every Tiki site is likely to need? Then ask, what can we build on top of that services layer?
- EXAMPLE: (membership registration tracker with email update confirmation)
- Virtually every Tiki is going to want a fairly good Membership Tracker. We don't even have this simplest of all possible Profiles.
- This Profile would be a component or prerequisite of many other more advanced Profiles.
- An example of some abbreviated Requirements for this Profile:
- Full description of what services the Profile provides to the site.
- Full list of what the Profile will change on the site.
- Installer can select from list of fields (like phone, address, etc) which will be placed in the Tracker.
- Include a System Administrator Guide Page.
- Include a Member Update Page (Pretty Tracker), which auto-sends a confirmation to the member whenever the data has been changed. And allows members to leave the group.
- With this Profile installed, other dependent Profiles would become available.
- Membership Dues Profile
- Newsletter Signup Profile
- Volunteer Group Signup Profile
- This Profile would then enable the next tier of Profiles such as...
- Calendar Event Signup Profile, Etc.
- This Profile would then enable the next tier of Profiles such as...
- New topic: Profile Creation Training
- I can't stress this enough.
- Now that v21 is out the door can we convince Developers to look at Profiles? Possibly even creating tools for assisting Profile Authors? How about training videos?
How to restrict the list of categories shown in Profiles Admin Panel?
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