History: CssCleaning
Preview of version: 2
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Goal: clean the css files and the templates to :
- have smaller css files for a better bandwith
- be able to modify easily a css file
- unify the tiki look
Some points to keep in mind
- get XHTML strict compliance
- get WAI complaint
- div.box
- div.box-title (in div.box)
- div.box-data (in div.box)
The box width is limited (a module that appears in the middle column will have a limited size). If the box size must be changed in the center column #centercolumn div.box{width: xx;} will be used.
The box can't have id because module can be duplicated
These tables must be used each time a list of content with attribute is displayed.
They will be used in Wiki pages list, Wiki last changes, wiki rankings, stats, orphan pages, File gals list, Image gals list, blogs list, articles list ....
- table.normal
- th : for a heading cell (WAI compliance: <th scope="col">)
- td.even : for a lont text cell on an even line
- td.odd : "" odd line
- td.evenNumber : for a number
- td.oddNumber
- td.evenAction : for an actions list
- td.oddAction:
- forumstable, bloglist, flaqlistquestions ...
- forumheading, bloglistheading...
To be able to customize each table, a table id will be added
<table class="normal" id="listPages">
a clear convention name for the id must be defined
Like this each cell can be customize #listPages td.even{}
All the "style="text-align:right"" will be taken away and replace with <td class="evenNumber"> or <td class="oddNumber">
Question: Do we need more distinction in a cell: a long text is left justified,
but a number can be rigth or center, a username can be left or center, an actions lists is nowrap. Will it be more powerful to have "<td class=even"><span class="action">... </span></td>" for each type of a attribute
With this representation it will not be possible to represent differently an even column and an odd column
Each title will be represented with "<h1>"
- pagetitle, forumspagetitle
When possible take away the style et add in the css "content a{}"