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History: FLOSS Web Applications with the fastest release cycles

Preview of version: 12

Eric S. Raymond wrote:

Tiki is the Free/Libre/Open Source Software Web Application with the fastest release cycle

When Version number (click to see what's new in this version)
2002-10 0.9 (first public release)
2002-10 Changelog 1.0
2002-11 Changelog 1.1
2002-11 Changelog 1.2
2002-12 Changelog 1.3
2002-12 Changelog 1.4
2003-02 Changelog 1.5
2003-05 Changelog 1.6 This was the 8th release and the printed version of the manual for 1.6 was 350 pages!
2003-08 Changelog 1.7
2004-02 Changelog 1.8
2005-04 Changelog 1.9 The printed version was at 960 pages, so we stopped the habit of printing it all ๐Ÿ˜Š
2008-08 2.0
2009-05 3.0
2009-11 4.0
2010-06 5.0
2010-11 6.0
2011-06 7.0
2011-11 8.0
2012-06 9.0
2012-12 10.0
2013-07 11.0
2013-11 12.0
2014-08 13.0
2015-05 14.0
2016-04 15.0

Thus, 22 releases in 11 years! and this doesn't count minor releases. The total of major and minor releases is approximately 100, which you can see at: All Releases

Some history: Tiki started out with an all-in-one model with a very rapid release cycle. Then, in late 2004, a mods system (An extensions system which is common in web apps) was introduced for branch 1.9. While this had some benefits, it also added a lot of complexity (versioning of mods, making sure mods are in sync with main code base, etc), and this was a contributing factor to the 3 year delay between 1.9 and 2.0. In 2008, at TikiFestStrasbourg, community members decided to move to a rapid and predictable release cycle, with Long Term Support (LTS) versions. The numbering system was changed to be more representative of reality. How can a software application with a manual of nearly 1000 pages be at only version 1.9?

About extensions (aka plugins)

More recently than Tiki, Typo3 and Joomla! have moved to a 6-month release cycle with LTS, but in all these cases, with their extension-based model, not all features are ready at the same time. And too often, extensions are never ported to the next version. Thanks to the Tiki model, (http://tiki.org/Model) we have inherent synchronized releases and easy upgrades.


To be fair, WordPress has the approximate same overall release cycle frequency-> 20 releases in 10 years, and 10 releases in the last 5 years, and thus 2 releases per year throughout the life of the project. Depending on your reference dates and if your extensions are fast or slow to update, WordPress can be a tad faster, or Tiki can be a tad faster (In Tiki, all features are released at the same time). But globally, it's a tie and thus, Tiki and WordPress share the title of "Free/Libre/Open Source Software Web Application with the fastest release cycle" ๐Ÿ˜Š To see real differences between the projects, please see: Tiki vs WordPress.

See also: Version Lifecycle and FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features



Information Version
Marc Laporte Alias now works with hyphens 26
Marc Laporte 25
Marc Laporte 24
Marc Laporte 23
Marc Laporte 22
Marc Laporte credit where credit is due 21
Marc Laporte To avoid breaking published links 20
Marc Laporte Changing page to plural because Tiki is no longer #1, since the release cycle was not respected 19
Marc Laporte 18
Marc Laporte 17
Marc Laporte 16
Marc Laporte An update 15
Nelson Ko 14
Nelson Ko 13
Nelson Ko 12
Marc Laporte 11
Marc Laporte 12.0! 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2