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History: IrcBlog

Preview of version: 22

With the new TikiBot feature (present in 1.8.3) called Irc Hook, I propose a connection between our IRC channel and wiki pages. This page will be a way to thread data especially noted on IRC.

If this becomes a real mess... well, let us see what happens.

The idea came from development of chumpbot, which is based on an original idea by Bijan Parsia, who wrote a bot in Squeak (Smalltalk) called DiaWebLogBot. Les Orchard modified chump to chompbot, which jcwinnie implemented on #tikiwiki as tchmp. UserPagemose then added the Irc Hook

This page is a collection of rants and quotes from #tikiwiki on irc.freenode.net.

luciash 2004/05/06 14:05 : Soupy rocks ! 😉
mose 2004/05/06 14:03 : bloggin' on irc just rocks !
ktest 2004/05/05 22:48 : CADDIE.NET Portal Factory — We believe that a service oriented architecture leads to systems that are Customizable, Localizable, Extensible, Maintainable and Sustainable (CLEMS). Instead of all the data being stored in a central monolithic database, the data stores are distributed across the Web Services. This leads to simpler schema and a more modular architecture. : http://ken.mit.edu/DevShell/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=7&tab
ktest 2004/05/05 16:46 : TikiFest is a variation of HackFest or CodeJam, see : http://jcwinnie.us/MT/archives/000118.html
mose 2004/05/05 16:28 : in tiki-eph.php and tiki-eph_admin.php files
ktest 2004/05/05 16:27 : $pdate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $_REQUEST'mon', $_REQUEST'day', $_REQUEST'year'); should be $pdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST'mon', $_REQUEST'day', $_REQUEST'year');
ktest 2004/05/05 14:51 : working with knowledge is different than most other tasks and activities. There must be trust, a desire to learn, some reflection and critique. You cannot speed knowledge exchanges by adding more people or providing more resources (typical project management strategies). Knowledge work depends on different drivers - identity, learning and meaning. : http://denham.typepad.com/km/2004/05/measurements.html feature to TikiBot after seeing a similar approach used at http://udoo.org/mamading. And, the rest, as they say, is his story.
ktest 2004/05/04 15:54 : XML in PHP5 — report from Int'l Conf : http://www.phpn.de/?RSS_ID_ITEM=2649&IDENT=
ktest 2004/05/03 23:52 : International PHP Conf began today : http://www.phpn.de/?RSS_ID_ITEM=2629&IDENT=
mose 2004/05/03 08:29 : I added BRANCH-1-8 tag to phplayers, smartirc and wollabot modules

mose 2004/05/03 08:25 : get all variables from smarty :
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
in a tpl

mose 2004/05/03 08:17 : greetings !


Information Version
Mose added via tikibot 31
Mose added via tikibot 30
ktest added via tikibot 29
ktest added via tikibot 28
ktest added via tikibot 27
ktest added via tikibot 26
Jonathan Smith 25
Mose added via tikibot 24
ktest added via tikibot 23
Mose 22
luciash d' being added via tikibot 21
Mose added via tikibot 20
ktest added via tikibot 19
ktest added via tikibot 18