History: IrcBlog
Preview of version: 22
With the new TikiBot feature (present in 1.8.3) called Irc Hook, I propose a connection between our IRC channel and wiki pages. This page will be a way to thread data especially noted on IRC.
If this becomes a real mess... well, let us see what happens.
The idea came from development of chumpbot, which is based on an original idea by Bijan Parsia, who wrote a bot in Squeak (Smalltalk) called DiaWebLogBot. Les Orchard modified chump to chompbot, which jcwinnie implemented on #tikiwiki as tchmp. UserPagemose then added the Irc Hook
This page is a collection of rants and quotes from #tikiwiki on irc.freenode.net.
luciash 2004/05/06 14:05 : Soupy rocks ! 😉
mose 2004/05/06 14:03 : bloggin' on irc just rocks !
ktest 2004/05/05 22:48 : CADDIE.NET Portal Factory — We believe that a service oriented architecture leads to systems that are Customizable, Localizable, Extensible, Maintainable and Sustainable (CLEMS). Instead of all the data being stored in a central monolithic database, the data stores are distributed across the Web Services. This leads to simpler schema and a more modular architecture. : http://ken.mit.edu/DevShell/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=7&tab
ktest 2004/05/05 16:46 : TikiFest is a variation of HackFest or CodeJam, see : http://jcwinnie.us/MT/archives/000118.html
mose 2004/05/05 16:28 : in tiki-eph.php and tiki-eph_admin.php files
ktest 2004/05/05 16:27 : $pdate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $_REQUEST'mon', $_REQUEST'day', $_REQUEST'year'); should be $pdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST'mon', $_REQUEST'day', $_REQUEST'year');
ktest 2004/05/05 14:51 : working with knowledge is different than most other tasks and activities. There must be trust, a desire to learn, some reflection and critique. You cannot speed knowledge exchanges by adding more people or providing more resources (typical project management strategies). Knowledge work depends on different drivers - identity, learning and meaning. : http://denham.typepad.com/km/2004/05/measurements.html feature to TikiBot after seeing a similar approach used at http://udoo.org/mamading. And, the rest, as they say, is his story.
ktest 2004/05/04 15:54 : XML in PHP5 — report from Int'l Conf : http://www.phpn.de/?RSS_ID_ITEM=2649&IDENT=
ktest 2004/05/03 23:52 : International PHP Conf began today : http://www.phpn.de/?RSS_ID_ITEM=2629&IDENT=
mose 2004/05/03 08:29 : I added BRANCH-1-8 tag to phplayers, smartirc and wollabot modules
mose 2004/05/03 08:17 : greetings !