History: LiveSupportDev
Preview of version: 12
The current, as of 30 June 2004, Live Support system in Tiki works well. But there are various loose ends that requires finishing and a tidyup for it to work perfectly.
If you want to see this in action. Contact Damian, its in use on his support site.
Work be carried out on BRANCH-1-9
30 June 04: damian:
- Removed a tra in the JS file
- Improved the chat request form
31 June 04: damian:
- Transcripts
- improve the operator console "new chat request" notifications
- delete
- print style
- email to the user at end of conversation
- Could live support operators use a Jabber client instead of the browser chat window?
There are a few quirks in this, particularly browser related and a problem with sending the users name. I now have a use for this myself, so am going to spend some time getting it useable.