History: Lubuntu
Preview of version: 3
See also: Tiki Suite Desktop
- The GNU / Linux distro: Ubuntu
- Desktop Manager: LXDE
- Install from http://lubuntu.net/
- Use 64 bits as much as possible
- 14.04 LTS or 14.10?
To install Lubuntu Software Center
- KVM + Virtual Machine Manager aka virt-manager
- OpenVPN
- Ind.ie Pulse
Related links
- LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. It is the product of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the Razor-qt projects: A lightweight, modular, blazing-fast and user-friendly desktop environment.
- Razor-qt & LXDE-Qt have merged to become the next generation of LXDE
- http://git.lxde.org/ (all these should be added to OpenHub: only Gtk+ components and git.lxde.org/debian are missing as of 2014-09-11)
- http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.desktop.lxde.devel
- http://lxlinux.com