History: MultitikiWindowsXP
Preview of version: 6
Original Configuration: EasyPHP + Tikiwiki 1.9
Since most of the setup in Multitiki (setup.sh) is a Unix/Linux script, it cannot be run under Windows unless you have installed unix commands on Windows XP (there is a software for that). So most of the procedures to do multitiki under Windows must be done manually.
1°) First step - Setup your local subdomains
Add your subdomains name to your host file. It should be located in
Add in the hosts files: localhost subdomain1.localhost subdomain2.localhost
(localhost can be replaced by another name)
2°) Add a file called "virtuals.inc"
and add the differents subdomains in the file
3°) Modify your Apache configuration (with Easy-Php or check httpd.conf in conf_files directory of EasyPHP)
Add following lines:
NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName subdomain1.localhost DocumentRoot ${path}/www </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName subdomain2.localhost DocumentRoot ${path}/www/tiki </VirtualHost>