History: Participate
Preview of version: 8
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- Suggest a translation for a word
- Help with the documentation
- Help other users on the forums
- Send a bugfix/patch
- Test bug reports to confirm they are valid
- Tell people why you like Tiki (have you seen WhyUseTiki?)
- Hang out on IRC and help people
- Make a new theme
- Suggest ideas for a new theme (at themes.tikiwiki.org)
- Recommend Tiki to people as a solution, if appropriate (check Features and update their ratings)
- Respond (calmly) to unfounded/uninformed criticisms of Tiki
- Participate at Tiki sites that are inviting members
- Suggest ways to improve Tiki
- vote for Tiki on Freshmeat and add Tiki to your stack on Ohloh