History: ReleaseNotes185
Preview of version: 2
Tiki 1.8.5 is available since 2005-01-21.
mose released this version.
Some links for more information about this release
- SF release info
- ReleaseProcess185
Upgrade instructions
- Please see UpgradeTo18
Bugs known to have been introduced in this version
None yet
Changes since
- Remove file from temp after upload ohertel, thanks to ))OrionRobots((
- Header redirections now die; afterwards to prevent other code being executed. Damian
- More Path Disclosure fixes Damian
- Remove the old password from being displayed on the tiki-change_password routine. Damian
- Tiki security admin, a control panel to check internal tiki security settings redflo
- Added .htaccess files to most directories to disallow direct access ohertel
- More secure map uploads Franck
- MySQL 4.1 support thanks to upgrade to latest ADOdb Damian
- Speed improvements on Wiki pages while caching external links is enabled jburley
- Easier user interface for maps Franck
Bug Fixes
- Wiki renaming fixes and enhancements
New : moves custom permissions and user watches.
Fixed : Email notifications and theme control objects. Chealer9 - WikiSyntax : Definition list "eats" character sylvie
- version in the diff of a wiki page changed notification to the previous message not the current sylvie
- forum post notification with the right url sylvie
- monthview on year change hausi
- Galaxia: run_activity urls finally fixed jburley
- Maps: various bugs fixed related to object deletion Franck