History: Roundtable Meeting 2015 10
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Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 18:00:00 UTC time (click for time zone in your city)
Please mind, that next month "Daylight Saving Time" ends (Europe 25th Oct. / America 1st Nov.) we switch back to 19:00 UTC.
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
1st hour quick news
Tiki 15 plans and discussion
- Do we have enough people to release so often?
Fosdem 2016
- To stand or not to stand...
composer.tiki.org is broken
See https://tiki.org/blogpost619-2015-10-15-Satis-issues-on-composer-tiki-org-unsolved for more
Partnership opportunity
Jyhem met nodilex.com
Second hour, longer topics
Chat log
Geoff Brickell (eromneg) - 20:00 : I can hear you - just sorting my sound out
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:05 : hey Nelson
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:13 : https://info.tiki.org/Version%20Lifecycle#The_cycle
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:14 : https://tiki.org/Version%20Lifecycle is missing?
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:15 : According to the lifecycle Tiki 16.0 should be released in next month :-p
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:16 : we should definitely rewrite that
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) - 20:16 : https://dev.tiki.org/Version+lifecycle
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) - 20:19 : https://dev.tiki.org/tiki15
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:25 : till 2020
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) - 20:25 : http://framework.zend.com/participate/contributor-guide-v1/
gezza - 20:27 : polom
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:28 : hi gezza
gezza - 20:30 : are we discussing zf2?
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) - 20:30 : yes gezza
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:30 : releases are sheduled to be in April and October... what if we leave it only to October?
gezza - 20:30 : i explored zf2 a bit, namespacing seems to take some effort
Nelson (koth) - 20:31 : http://framework.zend.com/downloads/composer
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) - 20:31 : +1
gezza - 20:34 : composer.json says 4.4.8
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:35 : this looks as a very cool alternative to CKEditor (imho): http://getcontenttools.com/
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:36 : this one is inline (too)
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:37 : (sorry for the noise, just wanted to make you know about it)
gezza - 20:42 : yes, morcego I am trying to clear out
gezza - 20:42 : anyone using it?
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:43 : nobody to my knowledge
gezza - 20:43 : tagcanvas should offer similar
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:44 : morcego, is it even java based?
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:52 : yep, that too
gezza - 20:53 : https://tiki.org/Versions
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:55 : the original is 6 months release cycle
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:56 : it would make sense to me make it 12 months with the man power we have currently
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:57 : 9 moths is imho confusing to follow
luciash d' being (luci) - 20:57 : to predict
gezza - 20:58 : 6 month development, 3 month releasing :)
gezza - 21:01 : when is fosdem?
luciash d' being (luci) - 21:01 : January?
gezza - 21:02 : january 30&31
gezza - 21:02 : i think i can be there too
gezza - 21:06 : BBB is good idea
gezza - 21:07 : they are not competition
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) - 21:10 : http://www.booking.com/hotel/be/citygardensflats.en-gb.html?label=gen173nr-17CAsoFUIQY2l0eWdhcmRlbnNmbGF0c0gHYgVub3JlZmhQiAEBmAEHuAEEyAEE2AEB6AEB-AEI;sid=d9d8a564cfe717ff95d8809849cee0bf;dcid=4;group_adults=2;sb_price_type=total;type=total&;lang=en-gb
gezza - 21:11 : airbnb?
luciash d' being (luci) - 21:11 : it looks good so far (by seeing the pics)
gezza - 21:14 : https://www.airbnb.hu/rooms/3470443?checkin=2016.01.28&checkout=2016.02.02&guests=10&s=DS841glO
luciash d' being (luci) - 21:16 : better in English gezza ;) -> https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/3470443?checkin=01%2F28%2F2016&checkout=02%2F02%2F2016&guests=10&locale=en&s=DS841glO
gezza - 21:16 : oh, sure, sorry :)
luciash d' being (luci) - 21:22 : indeed http://www.digitalia.be/file_download/14/reflection-jquery.zip returns 404 error
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) - 21:23 : https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/56397
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) - 21:26 : https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/56521/log/?path=/trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) - 21:26 : Could not fetch https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/dependency-injection/zipball/42bbb43fab66292a1865dc9616c299904c3d4d14, enter your GitHub credentials to go over the API rate limit
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Pages related to this one
One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2015 10