History: Roundtable Meeting 2022 01
Preview of version: 23
Volunteering Facilitator: @Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
The time will be set by the participants vote:
Tiki Roundtable Meeting Time Votes
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
First hour, quick news
- Tiki last release update status
- ...
put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above
Second hour, longer topics
- Feedback and discussion about the Tiki.org top bar menu and the landing pages design/revamp and the UX [Carried forward from Roundtable Meeting 2021 12 because we didn't get to it at that meeting or the previous one. ]
- Proposal to enable themes to style Unified Admin Backend
- Objective: Provide the option to enable themes to style the new UAB and fix style conflicts
- Method: 1) Use global CSS and .tpls, etc. to position menus and so on but replace the current "dark" and "light" adminui styles with classes available to all themes. 2) The style choices originally in the Unified Admin Backend options get moved to new themes — Admin Dark and Admin Light. 3) Themes in the Tiki package get tested to make sure they style the admin pages in an acceptable way. 4) Add documentation so people understand the options.
- Result: Current/planned roadmap for Unified Admin Backend isn't disturbed because the default for new installations can be "use Unified Admin Backend" and "admin theme: Admin Dark" to get that standard utilitarian admin interface.
- Comment: I worked
mosta fair amount of this out in a local test (not a fork) and there arejust a few thingsa number of things to complete but it could be committedfairly soonbefore too long.
- ...
put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above
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