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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: TeacherKitRoadmap

Preview of version: 2

Teacher Kit

Dennis Daniels wrote many pages on his need as a teacher to manage his work better in tikiwiki. In next weeks I'll develop some of his requests, and this roadmap will be dedicated to keep track of them. (see QuizzesDev ). Those changes are intended to be release in tikiwiki 1.9.


  • (done) extend number of possible quicktags (now infinite).
  • (done) display list of available icons for custom quicktaks in admin panel
  • add a custom-quicktag with a select menu so the quicktags system can be used as a templating system. Maybe patch the content template feature to fit that use.
  • make possible upload of new icons


  • prepare a format for fast-build of new quizzes, maybe a plugin
  • prepare a text format for filling out quiz forms, that can be used to fill quizzes by mail for example
  • general work on quizz interface and admin panel

More details to come ...



Information Version
george.geller 3
Mose 2