History: Tiki Suite Monitoring
Preview of version: 4
Use cases
Via ClearCenter
Since the monitoring system needs to be set up at a different location than the monitored device(s), the simplest is to outsource this. This happens to be in ClearCenter service offering:
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/user_guide/remote_system_monitor
- Coming soon: http://www.clearcenter.com/Services/clearsdn-remote-bandwidth-monitor-6.html
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/user_guide/smart_monitor
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/user_guide/remote_security_audit
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/user_guide/mobile_demo
- These services are offered à la carte at https://secure.clearcenter.com/portal/store.jsp
- You can get a 30 day trial of ClearOS pro to try them all on a fresh install, and then, you can pick what makes sense to you. A good way to test ClearOS for a few days: http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/clearos_install_guide/linode
Beyond monitoring, ClearCenter offers a bunch of related services:
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/clearcenter_dns_service/domain_registration
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/clearcenter_dns_service/mail_backup_and_mx_backup
- http://www.clearcenter.com/Services/clearsdn-remote-server-backup-6.html
This is very convenient for regular Tiki Suite users and generates recurring revenue for ClearCenter, the main team behind ClearOS.
This is where we can get best integration as we can influence the OS and service provider. And anything we improve for Tiki Suite will very likely be use useful for other use cases.
Plan here is to complete the feature set for Clearcenter to be the ideal monitoring / backup / disaster recovery service and generally make ClearCenter monitoring aware of anything that can go wrong in all the features of Tiki Suite
- Add SIP minutes as part of making FusionPBX app: https://suite.tiki.org/FusionPBX
- http://tracker.clearfoundation.com/view.php?id=1896
Via other monitoring servers
There are a bunch of options like http://online-domain-tools.com/
They are better if you have a mixed setup (ex.: various systems) but they can never be as 'aware' of ClearOS and Tiki Suite and pinpoint what is wrong with server. Ex. low RAM with OpCode cache, or disk is quasi-full.
Pick a monitoring solution to integrate
When you have:
- a need for full control of data
- or enough servers to justify the extra server in another infra
- the need to monitor not-only ClearOS
- etc.
In the end, I think the best would be for Tiki to expose its health data in whatever common formats to be consumed by all the main monitoring tools.
Other notes
- How to make all health indicators visible & tracked
- http://dev.tiki.org/Server+check#Beyond_Tiki_Check_but_let_s_explore
Theoretical indicators
- http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/tiki-monitor.php
- tiki-check.php: make all these 50+ values available to Nagios/Icinga/Shinken Help
- http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/community/current/health.html
- http://www.zarafa.com/wiki/index.php/Monitoring_Zarafa_with_Nagios
- http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Email-and-Groupware/Others/Nagios4Zarafa/details
- https://wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/check_mysql_health
- http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Security/VPN-Software/check_openvpn/details
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/user_guide/remote_system_monitor
- https://www.openhub.net/p/monitoring-plugins
Real life
- http://piwik.org/docs/page-speed/
- What are pros & cons of running Piwik on same server or difference server?
- http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-api
- gt_ms — The amount of time it took the server to generate this action, in milliseconds. This value is used to process the Page speed report Avg. generation time column in the Page URL and Page Title reports, as well as a site wide running average of the speed of your server. Note: when using the Javascript tracker this value is set to the ime for server to generate response + the time for client to download response.
- https://uptimerobot.com/ (check keywords)