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History: TranslateTiki

Preview of version: 8

 Translating Tiki
This page describes the process and options to translate the UI (user interface) of Tiki
 Translating content?

How does it work?

Some things you should know about translating the UI of Tiki:

  • The base language of Tiki is english (en)
  • The language directory is here: "lang/"
  • Every language has it own subdirectory using ISO-639-1 naming, for example: "lang/en/"
  • There are 2 translation resources that contain all translatable Tiki strings:
    • language.php
    • language.js
  • The list of translation strings is a php array, where the original string is the key and the translation string is the value
  • You can override default translations by using a custom.php file (for example: "lang/en/custom.php")

How to translate the UI?

You have a number of options:

  1. Signup with Transifex, translate, download the translation file than upload it to your Tiki from the user interface (read more here LINK)
  2. Use the translation interface on your Tiki: this way you can store your translations in the database so they will not be overwritten when you upgrade your Tiki (read more here LINK)
  3. Use a custom.php to store your translations (read more here LINK)
  4. Direct translation of language.php via text editor: this migh be overwritten when you upgrade your Tiki, so make a backup before
 Be carefule with manual editing of language.php
If you break the php syntax, you will get a white screen of death!

How to contribute?

Contribute via Transifex, it is really easy, just:

  1. sign up at https://www.transifex.com/
  2. find Tiki project (https://www.transifex.com/tiki/) and join the translation effor as a translator, reviewer or coordinator (http://docs.transifex.com/introduction/#user-roles-in-transifex)
  3. start translating!

 Wait, how about commiting? Can I still do that?
Yes, you can, but you really should not. Transifex is so much easier!

How to customize

  • If you dont like a translation, you can:
    • create a custom.php file and change the text
    • overwrite language.php in your local installation


Information Version
Marc Laporte 14
Marc Laporte 13
luciash d' being 🧙 12
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