History: UX Team Release
Preview of version: 7
- Make sure bundled themes work well with featured profiles.
- Install trunk, apply successively the featured profiles.
- These profiles may change a bit feature-wise for 4.0, but for CSS, the are still excellent tests
- For each of the features profiles, apply also the test all themes profile
- You will then have a drop down to easily successively test all themes.
- Test with the major browsers
- Click around and fix what you can (layout, bad colors, missing padding, etc.)
- Make sure to try to fix main problem so it fixes in all themes (ex.: layout CSS.)
- Keep in mind that bundled serve as a base for most of the custom themes that are made. Thus, they need to be as good as possible!
- Install trunk, apply successively the featured profiles.
- Make sure basic features are intuitive and appealing for end users and content creators. For site admins, see Profiles Team.
- Pretend you are a end-user and install Tiki and address any unclear user interface