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History: UserPagePrezKennedy

Preview of version: 13

I've been fiddling with TikiWiki off and on since July 2003. Unfortunately I lost the contents of my last database when upgrading to 1.8rc3. Hopefully they will be able to perfect the update process for 1.8 final, as I do have a fairly recent backup of the OSG database. I've put a year into it afterall... 😉

I've decided to implement a Roleplaying game using TikiWiki. More updates on that when I have the opportunity to work on it more.
I'm gathering a collection of M$ EULAs. If you have one that isn't listed, please post it on my TikiWiki (link below)!!

I currently operate two TikiWikis, still just experimental, although the one, http://wiki.tauniverse.com/ has lots of useful information for the Total Annihilation community. I don't use TikiWiki for my own sites because they recieve a significant volume of traffic, and they both run on a shared server... one of TikiWiki's biggest weaknesses. I'm proud of my two websites, even if they aren't TikiWiki based. If TikiWiki ever matures to the point where I'll be able to customize it like I can customize XOOPS, I'll be a 100% committed user and highly vocal fan of it. Until then, I'll just have to wait and watch.


Current TikiWiki Wishlist:

  • Faster page generation times
  • Working Image Galleries (they don't have to be fancy, but they must work properly!)
  • Code stability
  • Truly open and friendly community


Information Version
Matt Kennedy Well.. it's been awhile since this was updated... 16
Matt Kennedy Major update! 15
Matt Kennedy 14
Matt Kennedy 13
Matt Kennedy 12
Matt Kennedy 11
Matt Kennedy 10
Matt Kennedy 9
Matt Kennedy 8
Matt Kennedy 7
Matt Kennedy 5
Matt Kennedy 2