History: UserPagePrezKennedy
Preview of version: 7
I found TikiWiki about a month ago and since then I've been working on moving my site over from PhpNuke to it. It's been slow going because of setbacks with... cookies!!! Finally, I fixed that by setting some values for my php.ini and all is well. If you are having problems with being logged out randomly, drop by my Blog on my very own TikiWiki... Speaking of which, my TikiWiki is one of the larger ones out there it seems, and I look forward to all the future releases! I'm glad to be off PhpNuke, once and for all!
I'm gathering a collection of M$ EULAs. If you have one that isn't listed, please post it on my TikiWiki (link below)!!
You can take a peek at http://ibiblio.org/osg/ 😊