History: UserPagexavidp
Preview of version: 34
Table of contents
1. Personal Information
This is a bit of info about myself and my individual and collective projects related to tiki.
I've been doing research and teaching for several years at the Ecology Department of University of Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain, in subjects related to Biology, Environmental Sciences and Educational Technologies.
Currently, I'm a teacher "Health and Environment" at the University School of Nursery, ascribed to University of Barcelona, and Sustainability at IES Barcelona.
You can find some of my contributions to the area of Educational Technologies at http://edu.tiki.org, and the full list can be found at my university resumé (Curriculum Vitae):
Full Resume (Curriculum vitate)
We do our best to promote free knowledge in our university.
We also use Tiki as our web portal http://gclub.ub.es. Moreover, some talks related to Tikiwiki Community and collaboration in general have been given using the tiki-slides features from this site:
(formerly known as Infoespai.org )
We are also using tiki in Altercoms cooperative, in Infoespai facilities in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) promoting sharing resources related to information among individuals and collectives that work for the Social Change. We use Tiki as our main platform for collaborative asinchronous and distant work. See it in action at http://www.moviments.net
We also hold free courses (thanks to funding from the local administration) of computer tools mostly using free software:
- GNU/Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Linkat / Open Suse ...),
- Collaborative writing over Internet using Wikis,
- Content Management Systems
- Tikiwiki
- Drupal,
- Joomla,
- CMS Made Simple
- edition of digital image (Gimp)
- interactive tutorials (Wink)
- Web sites to support Exchange Markets (e.g. http://intercanvis.net),
- mapping
More information at: http://moviments.net/cursos
Translation of Tiki 1.9.11 is finished (100%) 😉, and we are working hard to push 1.10 forward from 80% onwards, thanks to the cooperation within http::/intercanvis.net.
Drop us a line at: xavi at moviments.net to contribute (ànims que amb el teu ajut ho acabarem, que ja falta poc!).
I joined edu.tw.o in 2003 to work as admin with Francis Steen. We are seeking other people to enhance Tikiwiki usage in the educational context, beyond AulaWiki Mod. More information: http://edu.tikiwiki.org
After the Wikisym 2007 meeting, a new project called Wiki-Translation was born to promote enhancements on the way communities translate content within wiki engines. I've been helping a bit on that project since then....
Sébastien Paquet, Alain Désilets and Xavier de Pedro are putting together a workshop for WikiSym 2008, on the topic of Cross-Lingual Collaboration:
This will be held under the auspices of the WikiSym 2008
September 8-10, 2008, Porto, Portugal
In-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB * ACM-DL Archived
More information: http://wikisym.org
2. Teaching "Wiki" usage and "Collaborative Web Sites" administration
I've been engaged in the last years in teaching Wiki usage and also teaching how to administer collaborative web sites, such the ones based on Tikiwiki CMS/Groupware.
More information can be found here: OpenTikiWikiTraining
And in the portal sites I used to support my teaching:
2004: http://uniwiki.ourproject.org
2005: http://gclub.cursos.ourproject.org
2006-2008: http://moviments.net/cursos
Latest notes:
- http://moviments.net/cursos/Wiki-Apunts (html, pdf, 80+ pages, mostly Catalan)
- http://moviments.net/cursos/AT (html, pdf and odt, 200+ pages, Catalan)
I've also taught related courses on using collaborative tools from free software for teaching and learning environments (in Spanish, held at university of Lleida, in Catalonia, Spain: http://gclub.ub.es/hcl)
Other courses might be prepared upon request.
3. Involvement in Tiki Community
Even if I'm listed (as xavidp) in http://cvs.tikiwiki.org, I'm not a php coder, but I contribute with translation, and eventually, some very small hacks or fixes (if I get the clue how to solve easy things). I used to code in fortran for marine ecology research, but that was all and some years ago.
I'm mostly involved in:
- writing at the forums (from time to time, when I find time to help other people)
- bug and wishes reporting at http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tracker5
- documenting at http://doc.tikiwiki.org (I seem to be at the Editorial board lately...).
I helped a bit to produce Tiki19beta.pdf from its .odt corresponding file, filled with content from the Documentation structure. - I've been recently nominated to join the Tikiwiki Admin Group (TAG): Oups 😬, such responsibility...
4. Tiki hosting at moviments.net
At moviments.net (our own hosting at Altercoms non-profit cooperative in Catalonia (Spain) we offer hosting of web sites, including Tikiwiki, of course. 😊.
Most of the information for the public is mainly in Catalan, but if you are interested in being hosted your tikiwiki there, as many other people have done already, contact me.
5. More information
More information can be found here
Xavier de Pedro (aka xavi and xavidp)