
History: WikiLists

Preview of version: 2

Bullet lists

Bullet lists are automatically created when you prefix a line of text with an asterisk * (as you do when using Word for example)

You can enter nested lists such as

* Ideas
** Idea 1
** Idea 2
* Things
** thing 1
** another thing

Numbered lists

Numbered lists can be entered prefixing each line in the line with a hash mark #
Numbered lists can be nested, for example

# Food
## Seafood
## Chicken
## Salads
### Caesar Salad
### House Salad
## Meat
# Drinks
## Alcoholic drinks
## Sodas

Definition lists

Definition lists can be entered using the following format:


Better definition lists can be created using the DL plugin (see wiki plugins ahead)

Monospaced text

Monospaced text can be used to show portions of code or text that needs to be properly aligned (ASCII art anyone?). To enter monospaced text prefix each line of text with a blank space. Lines starting with a blank are displayed in a courier monospaced font.


Information Version
Bryan Pfaffenberger 6
Bryan Pfaffenberger 5
Bryan Pfaffenberger 4
Dennis Heltzel 3
Scott W Fischer 2