Tiki Install FAQ
- Can TikiWiki be installed on a windows box?
- How do I unzip the bz2 files on my linux box?
- I need to change the permissions to all of my directories to 777... how do I do that? (And yes, I know it's not safe!)
- I'm installing via the rpm... but it's giving me some problems saying another version exists. What should I do?
- How do I find which group I belong to under linux while installing under linux?
- How do you find out what you've been doing under ssh?
- I've installed Tiki but the Galaxia graphs aren't showing up. What am I missing?
- Can PostgreSQL be used as a database instead of MySQL?
- I'm not able to view thumbnails or graphs from GraphViz, what am I missing?
- I've installed GraphViz and the Galaxia graphs _still_ aren't showing up on my *nix system with TikiWiki 1.7. What do I do now?
- My web hosting server runs PHP with safe mode restriction and I got simmilar errors like this: Warning: Smarty error: problem writing 'templates_c//en/58/584454252/tiki.tpl.php.' in /home/user/www/tikiwiki_1.7/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 999 What can I do?
- Where are the install instructions for Tiki?
- Why does Tiki seem so slow when starting?
- Here's the error message I get when trying to install 1.7.2 on a fresh database (since I corrupted my older one playing with MySQL) --------- Warning: MYSQL error: DB Error: no such table in query: select value from tiki_preferences where name='rememberme' in d:\program files\easyphp\www\tiki\lib\tikilib.php on line 101
- I've changed the login settings (LDAP or SSL only), and now can't log in.
$: tar xvjf
Since I'm in the directory I type the command and then the first letter of the file and then TAB for autocompletion.
root@localhost tiki]# chmod -R 777 *
rpm -e theoldtikversionname
to uninstall the old version and then rerun
rpm -qa | grep -i 'tiki*'
to find the version of tiki that is installed...
You are still under ssh try
scp ~/.bash_history /tmp/bash_hist.txt
Check to see if GraphViz is installed. On Redhat
rpm -q graphviz
should have some output like
Please see: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=InstallGraphViz for more info.
Probably an image handler, thumbs and GraphViz both need a tiool like ImageMagick or GD. ImageMagick is reported as being more dependable. Your mileage may vary.
- Have a look into Smarty/Smarty.class.php and set $use_sub_dirs to false.
- Then in db/tiki-db.php change the line with ini_set to your paths.
ini_set('include_path', '/home/user/www/tikiwiki_1.7/lib:/home/user/tikiwiki_1.7/lib/pear:'.$current_path);
Your db sounds like empty did you run tiki-install.php?
Fix= rerun tiki.sql, that drops and creates tables, clearing everything out.