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Tiki Community Audience and Navigation

As the first part of the Tiki Community 2021 Navigation Revamp, we made a list of types or categories of visitors to tiki.org at Tiki Community Audience and Objectives. This page describes a proposed tiki.org navbar menu (Table 1, first column) and homepage links (Table 2, first column) and how visitors would follow the respective links to subsequent pages to get the information they're looking for. It's a work in progress.

Site Visitor/User Types

(These user types' numbers are used in the tables below.)
0 Potential Tiki users (individual or organization) (Distinct from "Individual or organization evaluating Tiki")
1 Current Tiki users (end users or admins)
2 Someone who inherits a Tiki project
3 New Sysadmins (in an organization)
4 Potential/New developers
5 Potential/New Graphic designers
6 Potential/New Translators

7 Tiki consultants
+ HTML integrators
+ Digital marketing specialists

8 Tiki service firms
9 Enterprise support firms
10 Association that would like to collaborate with Tiki

11 Software listings
+ Software marketplaces

12 Individual or organization evaluating Tiki
+ Independent software evaluation firms
+ Due diligence by a procurement officer for a public tender
+ Government digital services
+ Certifications bodies

13 Philanthropy or charity due diligence

Page Name Main Audience Secondary Audience Linked from Links to Content Outline Design Notes CTA SEO - Page Description SEO- Search Intent* SEO - Keywords (Still important but not as) SEO - Long Form? **
What Is Tiki? 0, 2, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 Top Menu Introduction Use existing page content, but revised/restyled as necessary. Already info colors - add appealing visuals and layout for hero/topics/etc. Maybe use PluginLayout or just hide left column for not-logged-in users. 1 Download
2 Register
3 Click link to more specific info
Get Tiki - Try Tiki 0 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Top Menu Get Tiki - Try Tiki (new page) Combine Get Tiki and Try Tiki, the latter of which is a small page. I thought about keeping existing pages and using PluginInclude, but now I think it would be best to start fresh.
Get Help 1, 2, 3 0 Top Menu Get Help (new page) Current relevant content at: https://doc.tiki.org/Get-Help
Get Involved 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13 Top Menu Join
Also Participate
Tiki-Welcome is related.
For now, Join is included. But some of the content is too micro and should be moved to another page.

Also, I think we need to take a step back and get a wider view/fresh perspective. Reading it again, I think it mostly needs to be replaced.

*The motivation for/purpose of the search that finds this page
**Long-form pages (2100 - 2400 words ) tend to rank higher than short content.

Page Linked To* Main Audience Secondary Audience Page Section Linked From In Turn Links To Content Outline Design Notes CTA SEO - Page Description SEO - Search Intent SEO - Keywords SEO - Long Form?
New Users and Admins 0, 2 New users/admins https://doc.tiki.org 1 Register at tiki.org
Get Tiki 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, New users/admins (current links) 1 Download Tiki
Community 0, Current Tiki users (current links) 1 Log in
New Sysadmins Information 3 2 Sysadmins 1 Register at tiki.org
Developers Information 4 Developers/coders tiki-register.php
1 Register at tiki.org
Designers Information 5 Graphic/UI/UX Designers tiki-register.php
1 Register at tiki.org
Info for Translators 6 Translators/i18n fans tiki-register.php 1 Register at tiki.org
Service Providers 7, 8 HTML integrators/consultants 1 Contact us
Enterprise Support Information 9 8 Enterprise consultation firms 1 Contact Us
Collaborating with Tiki 10 Associations, organizations, projects 1 Contact us
Listing Tiki 11 Software listings and marketplaces 1 Contact us
Evaluating Tiki 12, 0 Software solution evaluators 1 Contact us
To Philanthropic Organizations 13 Philanthropic and charitable organizations 1 Contact us

* Tentative names in the case of pages to be created.
**themes.t.o needs to be fixed/improved before it's linked to.

Page last modified on Tuesday 20 July 2021 11:46:09 GMT-0000

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