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Please help! Problem with Blog feature

posts: 50
I'm not sure what is going on here but the latest post is breaking the blog - what do I mean? Well, all seems well, and the content displayed as it should be. Then I go to enter a next posting and what happens but the lines no longer are rendered within a text box that is of reasonable width. Instead the text boxes for all the posts are not spanning some 200, or so it seems, characters in width. To view my blog page the visitor has to scroll way over to the right and back. Also, right around a web link or just a plain URL the text font changes. In both instances there is no indication as to why this is happening or what could change this, fix this or remedy the problem. I did put in <p> tages in my postings to ensure that the lines would have that formating which seemed to fix things up to a point. This is just a wild guess but I'm wondering if a url, with the http:// preface will throw things off if it is not the first item on a line. The only difference I noted from a prior posting that for all practical purposes is about the same. These are just plain text files. I've tried with and without anchor tags around the web link. In other words, I've listed it but not created a link by including an anchor tag or the wiki tag syntax.

Yes, I tried the wiki syntax for the web link, but that didn't seem to do it for me.
I have use of two servers where I publish. Both of them have Fantastico and that is how TikiWiki gets created, with the most stable release of Tikiwiki, at least to the folks with Fantastico, is Tikiwiki 1.8.
Also does Tikiwiki not like some html tags? I was using list items tags and they seemed to cause problems despite the fact that they were getting recongized and producing a list as I'd expect to see.
I was thinking that my prior posting was missing so maybe I posted wrong somehow. Maybe I'm not supposed to post links to a site here. I apologize for any mistake I mght have made.

I was going to volunteer some services and help out a group with some of the features of Tikiwiki and in particular getting their content syndicated and then to get exposure for the group and thier syndicated news feeds. I'm not sure how that would work. I know that Tikiwiki has built in news feed (RSS) generation of the content. But getting listed, and found on the directories and tools for reading syndicated content are two different things.
So, once I got this figured out and working, then I'd show say group one how to create news feeds from Forums, Articles, blogs, etc. Then I'd want to show them how to let others know that they have this option of receiving content daily, or weekly. This is what I'd like to figure out for some groups out there.
Thanks in acvance for any help,

posts: 1092

Can we see the blog and its source somewhere? Otherwise can you upload the blog source on tw.org or attach a picture. It is hard to figure it out without the blog
Some ideas about long lines in tiki:
- the plugin code doesn't split a long line
- a url is not split so if it is long, it will extend the page

posts: 50

I kept trying to say here is the link and then I wanted to say that I got it figured out. But I spent too much time entering my response that I was being logged off before I finished. So, here is the link. http://wordsalad.net/writersHome/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=4
What I learned was that unlike typical expectations for html to ignore non-printing characters that the blog entry area did recognize the hard return when I hit return on a line. I was just cutting and pasting and then it seemed that I could just put a and around the paragraphs and all would be fine. That did work for few postings done in that specific fashion. The lines have no hard return when I cut and paste the text from a text editor. It seemed that my blog was deciding to go along with what I intended until a certain point and then it said no more. So, the remedy if I cut and pasted was to look at the spacing as I wanted it and hit the return on my keyboard. I still see some characters that come out looking like they are either in a different font or the spacing between each character is spread out. There is however, no code that I put in there for that to happen. I just put in text for the most part, with a few and which I'm now thinking I don't even need. They seem to add an additional unexpected amount of spacing between the paragraphs. There's the hard-return from the keyboard and the paragraph tags which seem to result in twice the spacing.
Looking below it says that html is ignored in the forums here. Clearly that is not the case in the blogs. Or is that somethat one can control for every area of one's site? whether or not to ignore the html?
Thanks in advance,

posts: 1092

I logged in your site but I can't see the source for the blog articles. I don't have the permissions to edit it 😑

I suppose that there is some code that tiki interprets aroud for exemple
"ideas here asked me the following, "Give me feedback on the following web site:"

Can you copy/ paste the beginning of the source of the article?