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RSS support not available in TW 1.8?

posts: 50

Based on numerous questions that have gone un-noticed, am I to assume that this ability to create RSS feeds from content on one's site is not available or is poorly formated. My studies have lead me to understand that there are a few formats, RSS, Atom, RDF and that any of these can end in rss, rdf or xml. I was able to generate a xml file from a web log using a different system and successfully incorporate it into my site. However, the rss links that one can get by right clicking and selecting copy target, a simplier method then asking for the xml file that is available by just clicking on the rss link, give a listing that is no more then the link to the page ending in a number. I guess that means the support doesn't really exist for creating RSS feeds from one's web site. When I use that link all I get is a list of dates when content was published. Similar results come from pulling the content into a news reader application.
If I'm wrong, if there is some magical thing, I respectfully ask that someone pass it on to me. I guess it would be magical to me. I've tried the shoutbox and been told who to contact. How to contact said person is not given. The irc channel is filled with people all the time, none of whom ever answer questions.

I'm really trying and asking for help and so frustrated. I've stated that over and over. I'm embarrased because this site does appear to have RSS feeds. So, how do I do this? What's going on? Please someone answer my questions. I've looked in the documentation extensively. If I have overlooked how to do this please tell me where to read.

posts: 50

It does appear that the RSS feed is available. The appearance is such that I didn't expect, and so I thought it was wrong. What I see is
Content for the feed
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News
Kafkaesque Stores/Reporting/News

Now normally it would be a good idea to get a summary of the articles. Like when I pulled in a newsfeed from a blog I created elsewhere. It displays the title for the posting and some summary info. that is what I was expecting. Is there a way to get that formatted in that way?

posts: 1092

First, we are people who work on Tiki mainly on our free time... so you can understand. Ohertel is the guy who writes the rss and if you can't reach him...the sourceforge address is the best.
What I know is that there is not only one standard to rss . As you say there is rdf2 ,rdf 1, rss.... It is very hard to do every possible format
Second the rss from another site appears in a module: a small box. I think it is why the description is not displayed. Not enough space. There is no plugin rss taht would allow more parameters to be included. Ready to program a rss plugin... otherwise ask ohertel, otherwise do a rfe on sourceforge, otherwise I put on my list of things to do

posts: 50

It is my impression that TW does support RSS and that is a great feature to have for TW. That was a selling point for this CMS versus other systems and continues to be so. It is clear that numerous areas of the TW site are syndicated. It is not a high demand specific format that is needed. Yes, there are different formats but it seems that as for new work or new features this is not what is needed as it is already supported - the syndication of the site features already exist. This is what I did discover recently. As stated I did not know that it was working becuae the syndication is not what one expects to see in terms of how it is presented. There must be a way to format the style of how the content of the newsfeeds is displayed. Numerous versions of TW have supported RSS in a similar fashion. Thus I believe that the needs that one has to presenting syndicated content do exist already. I believe I am just doing something wrong or failing to do something that would be necessary to create and publish newsfeeds. I would not have recommended the use of TW for certain publications or projects if I did not see this feature. When all I get is a sequential list of the title for my blog, I know I did something wrong. That isn't what a syndication needs or should display, not the title of the blog - I know I must be specifying something wrong. One would expect a list of article titles and a summary of the article, perhaps pulling in the first x words or characters for the feed.
So, I'm just looking for the step by step directions to get it right... to generate the xml structured as a newsfeed needs to be structured, so that the summary of the content of the various postings can be displayed in a RSS newsfeed reader.

posts: 1092

I don't think you are doing something wrong. In admin/rss modules, there are only 2 fields: title and date. I don't think something was develop to pick up the description and other fields.
Ask to ohertel for confirmation.
Otherwise do it yourself (you can ask for cvs access with no problem), find a developper, do a rfe on sourceforge, update the page RssModulesDev ....

posts: 175 Canada

Hey Bruce sorry for the slow response.

I have been dealing with the grim reaper and have not time for earthly pursuit's. Pesky guy keeps grabbing my shoulder!

I have RSS feeds from one site to another. They work great!
You created one in your forum post here at TW
NOT news feeds which seem the same but are different.

So this is where you have to be a hero.
I followed what you wanted to do.
I created the RSS feeds etc,

big time
My clients were not happy.

I got the same error message as I told you I had at your site. In the other post. Could you please figure this out for me and get back!

But in the mean time I think you need to watch out. As this really did crash my server.
Later, James

posts: 50

Well, that's confusing. Every article I read about RSS said it is a way to have content, i.e. news, fresh news that includes a title and description. It's a "What's new" is another phrase I heard. One might have product releases, new publications, special stories, releases of e-books, with a summary. You would see something about the content and then go to that content. For example, I could put in a news oriented blog the fact that a new edition of my friends poetry e-book was completed by me. Now, everyone who is subscribed would see that in the title of the article and the content of the article might have a little blurb... then you go for more details. But one must have some headline, some summary of the content for the day/week/etc. or it's not News per see, or even topic oriented. For example a newsgroup might be alt.forsale.computer, and if I saw an post about a Pentium 4 system real cheap, maybe the price is even in the heading, I'd go check it out. What I am seeing is essentially a list to use this metaphor, or comparison, if I had a newsfeed for every article on that newsgroup it would be just
What's the date, or what's the posting about? The information? How do I share my exciting content with someone? I don't want them to have to read each article to find out what my site stories have among all the other stories a visitor might be subscribed to... other metaphors I could use would be a book index, a table of contents. These are things I might check when deciding to read further. What I see would be like a news ticker that just said
bruce's web site post 1 ... bruce's web site post 2... bruce's web site post 3...
That isn't RSS at all what I'm seeing.