RSS support not available in TW 1.8?
Based on numerous questions that have gone un-noticed, am I to assume that this ability to create RSS feeds from content on one's site is not available or is poorly formated. My studies have lead me to understand that there are a few formats, RSS, Atom, RDF and that any of these can end in rss, rdf or xml. I was able to generate a xml file from a web log using a different system and successfully incorporate it into my site. However, the rss links that one can get by right clicking and selecting copy target, a simplier method then asking for the xml file that is available by just clicking on the rss link, give a listing that is no more then the link to the page ending in a number. I guess that means the support doesn't really exist for creating RSS feeds from one's web site. When I use that link all I get is a list of dates when content was published. Similar results come from pulling the content into a news reader application.
If I'm wrong, if there is some magical thing, I respectfully ask that someone pass it on to me. I guess it would be magical to me. I've tried the shoutbox and been told who to contact. How to contact said person is not given. The irc channel is filled with people all the time, none of whom ever answer questions.
I'm really trying and asking for help and so frustrated. I've stated that over and over. I'm embarrased because this site does appear to have RSS feeds. So, how do I do this? What's going on? Please someone answer my questions. I've looked in the documentation extensively. If I have overlooked how to do this please tell me where to read.