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Flash banners??

posts: 49 Canada

Is it possible to have a flash banner?


posts: 49 Canada

ok.. well i have sort of answered my own question - except for a "bug" in the code for tiki-edit_banner.php

to put FLASH banner i used HTML banner such as this example:

BUG is that if i paste this code in on the edit banner page it seems to get truncated going into the DB... i end up with :

which of course doesn't work...

HOWEVER if i go directly to DB (phpMyAdmin) and put the correct code; the banner works fine.

I thought this might have been a magic_quotes bug like i found in the calendarlib.php code - but don't think it is.

i will take a look at the code to see where the problem is.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

This is no bug, its the intended behavour, however adding a parameter like a security level wont work, as there is a permission that can be assigned through the Group management to allow anyone access to create banners without the use of tiki_p_admin.

It needs careful work to remain a security solution for the rest of the Tiki site, not just in the banner area.

Project Admin

posts: 49 Canada

hey Damian,

Yes, i realize that banners can be "opened" up to give access for creation to whomever (editor, regsiterd, anonymous, etc)....

So, i guess what i was suggesting is that certain features (like those that use make_clean)... get a seperate setting that over rides this...

for example.... editors and admin can post the special HTML tags

this way; it can still be accomplished by a select few and if you have advertising clients that you want to be able to do their own banners - but not post the special HTML tags - they aren't made editors - cuz like why would you make them editors anyway!!

they could have their own special group like "advertisers" or "clients" or something... and editors and admins are left as special people with specail rights.

OR... am i still missing something here?


posts: 1092

The problem is that for security reason you can't set a param to or embed, or script or applet. The html tag is deleted.
I don't think you can trick the security...

The only solution I see is to ask for a rfe on sourceforge: A flash object in the banner.

posts: 49 Canada

hey Sylvie,

thanks for the answer... i guess i can just keeping adding directly to DB or maybe look into taking out security lock or i guess even add the addition to banner that you suggested...

although, i think maybe a better solution (and out of my hands) would be to have a security level setting for the site... similar i guess to the user privaleges that exists now...

for example.. i am the only administrator on the site and therefore the only one allowed to add banners... (well maybe at the moment my editors can as well.. but they are friends of mine so no big deal either)... because unless i got your answer wrong this is to prevent someone from adding a script to the HTML code... IE security limiting functionality for no reason (in my case).

thanks again,


posts: 49 Canada

total hack.. but i did Banner Only work around by changing thisline:

$var = preg_replace("~]*>~si","",$var);

in make_clean function of tiki-setup_base.php to:

if (!isset ($_REQUEST'bannerId')) $var = preg_replace("~]*>~si","",$var);

should likely add something more inteligent but not sure where i would control it... likely need some other security page that lets me disable "security" for seperate pages or for seperate users???


BTW - did you ever see my email on IE/Mozilla view of month calendar??