Admin newsletters? Aaaagh!!!
I have discovered an intensely annoying feature of the Newsletters - that even as administrator I can't broadcast a message to all my registered users, because they have to subscribe to the newsletter first. 👻
This is very annoying, because my users are utterly ignorant about newsletters and I don't want to confuse them by sending messages that say "you have been subscribed to this newsletter...."
There seems to be a way round this: use PHPmyAdmin to set the fields "code" to blank and the "valid" to "y" in the tiki_newsletter_subscriptions table, where the nlld matches the newsletter number.
I would be grateful if somebody could confirm this before I start sending off huge numbers of newsletters by mistake.
I would also like to suggest that there should be at least a "manual override" to this feature which does not seem to me particularly useful: If I am administrator, I can find everybody's addresses and there is not much effort involved in setting up another piece of software to send letters out regardless.
Another question: which template should I modify in order to change the subscription message that my users get, assuming I stick to the standard route?
And finally. I am still mystified by the "Frequency" setting on a newsletter. I can't find anything in the documentation that says what it does (see picture attached, I hope).
Thanks, JG