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Architecture / Installation

site down

posts: 11 United States


I have tiki 1.8.2 (i think) installed on my site.. It has been working fine since April. All of a sudden (about 4 days ago) it began running real slow and it was saying my server load was at 90+. So I complained to my host and then said they ran some upgrades and I did test it and it seemed to be ok. I noticed yesturday it was down. The site is ok becuase I type a bad link and I get my error page. I tried the server load high page from my history and it loaded. I tried to log in and got an the error page again. My site is www.harrythompson.com if you want to see the error. My question to you is should I run tiki install again? I have not backed up my site in a about a month. It is now over a gig. It seems to fail on ftp more than it works, n ot to mention taking days. Will I loose everything?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

What is the value of PHP memory_limit?

If they did some upgrades did they change this also?


posts: 11 United States

I called my host and asked what my php memory limit was set at and they said, "huh what"? Will this link help http://www.harrythompson.com/phpinfo.php with anything? They were emailing the person that did the upgrades to the server. The weird thing is that I asked when the finished the upgrades and they said the 3rd. Now I think the site went down on the 5th.

In the mean time, I upgraded to version 9 to see if it was something I messed up and it still did not work.

So I ran the start up again and started fresh instead of an upgrade and blew the info out of the database. I started the site. It worked. I restored the sql data and it stopped again. Could someone have uploaded something or changed something to do this? I know I put some bad info in a banner before and it would not load. I had to go to mysql and delete it. Where should I look?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Definately sounds to me like PHP memory_limit is set to 8Mb

Its not visible in that listing, so you'll need to ask someone in there support or technical department to check the value in the php.ini on that server

If the site works whilst empty, and doesnt when loaded, its definately memory related.

tiki-view_articles.php should show an article about PHP memory_limit which I wrote to clear the air on the topic some time ago.
