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Layout starter

posts: 5 United Kingdom

I am really struggling to understand how I can change the appearance and design of Tiki. I have looked at the documentation and am stumped. I can't even start to understand how it works. I t would help enormously if someone could give me a way in.

So, for example, how could I alter the top bar to include some graphics and other content?

Thanks in anticipation.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Maybe a theme from http://tikihost.net would be a good idea to get a quick head start. Basically the /styles/something.css contains colours and tags and the layout is controlled by .tpl files in /templates/

just need to edit the tiki-top_bar.tpl and modify its paired css tags and you can some good designs: http://tikigod.org


posts: 5 United Kingdom

Thanks for that. I had got as far working out that I need to edit the top bar tpl, but I have to say it's all a bit much for me. I looked at the Smarty engine and it seems I have to learn yet another bit of software and more PHP than I want to at this time. There are just so many bits to alter and learn that I - with great regret as the potential is amazing - have decided to stick with something I have tinkered with and seem to get on with ok. I will probably use PostNuke for the current project I am working on as I don't have the time I would need to invest to get TW going.

Keep up the good work. I really am impressed by the features and direction of TikiWiki. I'll keep an eye on the project and no doubt will come back to it when my skills have improved and TW is a bit more mature and newby-friendly.

Thanks again.

posts: 179 France

I came to tiki having some experience of html, css, and also Spip as far as cms were concerned.

On my tiki sites I have started modifying the css. It doesn't take much time to recognize the different layout elements, the comments are always complete, but... that's for those who already understand css.

I guess I could start modifying the php templates too, in fact I'll have to do it, but i am reluctant, because I consider it is almost a vice in the development of a cms, if you take the habit of inviting people to tweak the scripts.

A "good" cms should offer everything by GUI. What I mean by "good" is officially admitting the needs of users who don't want to learn code, designing the cms for a large audience, etc.

I admit though that full layout features who result in tiki becoming a full css editor, with different admin pages for each element...