Just tried tiki 1.9RC3
Hey Tikiwiki Community
I'd like to introduce me first:
Im working as IT-Spezialist in a small (100Head) Company for about 4 Years now. Our IT office use TikiWiki a while now, for dokumentations (Wiki) and other features for different stuff. I also changed the intranet side from e static side to TikiWiki.
One of my Job is to test the new releases, and the new features and make them usefull for us (find a way how to work with). Since Tiki1.4 I have installed every release, and tested it for us.
Perhabs ur asking yourself now, why does he never posted before.. Hm.. I actualy set up some mails, and wrote down some bugs at that time, but I always found a way to work around it.. and at least im not realy commen with OpenSource Communities (badly). At least I always waited for a new version, to have the bugs fixxed (because I think some of them are realy obviously).
The actual status now is:
IT-Intranet 1.6
Now.. I waited with update for the new 1.9 stable version, but badly it took longer than I thought. So I get into the problem that I leave this Company at the end of this year, and I would realy like to give them a good basic for new upgrades.
Because 1.9 stable isn't out now I thought im gonna make a testinstallation with rc3 and fix the problems this update seems to carry withit on the original side, so an Update later will be easier.
I did that.. and a lot of stuff went wrong, so now im not realy sure about how the stable version gonna be!?
Does someone have a hint for me, how much the RC3 is equal to the stable Version, or do I have to get a CVS build? (again, im not realy common with that).
Thanks for Help!
PS: If its alright.. I would like to post the troublemakers here later, or should I post it somewhere different? and sorry for my badass english ๐ Im mothertongue is swissgerman, and most of my english comes from movies ๐.