Features / Usability

Features / Usability

group assigning problem in tikiwiki 1.9

posts: 22


I am a newbie in tikiwiki, I have installed tikiwiki 1.9 in my linux machine. I have problem in groups. When a user registers to tikiwiki a new group is generated for each user. Can you suggest me how to configure tikiwiki such that users can be sent one of the two pre assigned groups, group1 and group2.

posts: 179 France

If you don't want a group to be generated for each user, you want to go to Admin -> Login and uncheck "Create a group for each user".

Creating New groups is done in Admin -> Groups

Assigning users to already created groups is done in Admin -> Users

posts: 22

hi arnaudherve,
thanks for the reply, I could prevent tikiwiki from generating a group for each individual using your reply.